Stunning Sumbawa

Stunning Sumbawa - DSC_8531

Few visitors travel across the popular neighboring islands Lombok and Bali, but a little voyage to the east and Sumbawa Iceland offers a quiet escape from the development of tourist areas. Lesser-known West Sumbawa reveals hidden coves, secluded beaches and remote traditional villages with people who live near the country. Traditional villages perched high in the mountains provide a perfect vantage points in dramatic sunsets and stunning coastline soaking. Sumbawa is a sprawling island with vast tracks of rugged peninsulas, volcanic mountains and peaceful, powdery white beaches, ideal for swimming.

The idyllic view of mountain in Sumbawa

The spectacular views of Gunung Tambora in North Sumbawa


Sumbawa is like two islands, divided by geography and language: Sumbawa to the west (Samawa ethnic group) and Bima (Mbojo ethnic group) in the East. The island has historical links with the Makassarese people in South Sulawesi and the Chinese who traded in these waters for hundreds of years.

About 85 percent of Sumbawa the terrain is mountainous. The levels found prosperous cultures and excellent returns for the farmers who have long enjoyed the benefits of the rich volcanic soil, enriched by the dramatic eruption of Tambora in 1815. The Guinness Book of Records describes the event as "the largest volcanic eruption in modern history ". The upper third of the mountain was blown off and more than 150 cubic kilometers of rock and ash was showered over the valley.

Tambora, North Sumbawa

Tambora heard two regencies; Bima and Dompu. The best way to get there is flying to Bima airport, and then in the Dompu Regency to Pancasila village or drive Calabai village. You then begin overnight in Calabai or Pancasila village and your trekking to Mount Tambora. There are three route options. It is necessary to plan all aspects of the hike in advance, and let two days and one night of Pancasila or Calabai village.

The hike is for experienced climbers only and has its challenges. You must be physically fit for some difficulties and dangers and prepared. You will make your way through the jungle Slash is worn as the path is not well, and climbed in fact, in 09 only three groups on the mountain. Since records were kept (04), only 50 people per year have made the trek to the summit. The strongest volcanic explosion of all time reduces the height of the mountain of 4,0 meters to 2,800 meters, and the sound of the explosion reached to Jakarta. This is a climbing adventure for the brave.

Jelenga Beach (Scar Reef)

surfers from around the world come here to surf the infamous left-handed, which can be surfed at every tide. Tourism in Sumbawa can be a bit on the fly, as many smaller hotels not reliably have phone or internet connection. Traveling with a guide, reliable contacts and local knowledge has, makes independent journey a lot easier.

We found a nice little villa on the Jelenga Beach (located about 1.5 hours from Poto Tano). Scar Reef Beachfront Hotel has a beautiful tropical garden which spills on a quiet, white sand beach out. The rooms are spacious and well equipped.

There was not another soul on the beach when we arrived, and not change this for three days. I immediately found a hammock on a beach lined bales and lives for a few days of swimming in the pristine warm waters. The only other people were staying out surfers who soon went very every morning and were not seen until late in the afternoon. The rest was to die.

Jelenga Township Internet is questioned, so you have to be inventive if the communication with the outside world to require. This involved jumping on the back of one of the employees of motorcycles after dinner and heading to a nearby hill to get 3G reception, where the local doctor was on the phone to talk his girlfriend. You know that you are far from tourism, if you have experiences like this.

West Sumbawa beaches of

Sekongkang Beach is the most famous surf spot, and near, Yoyo surf break attracts surfers from Australia to Hawaii. These beaches are located in the southwestern part of West Sumbawa Regency and are a 35-minute drive from the nearest point of Maluk or 1.5 hours from Taliwang.

For non-surfers, be sure to check Maluk, a beautiful beach an hour from Taliwang. It has the purest white sand and calm waters. Do not be surprised if you are the only one here. This West Sumbawa coast is to explore definitely a few days worth.

There are many examples of smaller low-key resort style accommodation and low-impact tourism. Rantun Beach Hotel has 12 guest rooms with private bathrooms. Situated on the beach café serves fresh Indonesian and Western cuisine. With a fresh juice or ice cold beer in hand, this is the perfect place to watch the sunset. Guided underwater fishing and snorkeling are available here and a great way to end the day is to throw your catch of the day on the grill and watch the stars appear over you. The room rates here start at just US $ 15 per night.

Moyo Island

Moyo Island is located in the north of Sumbawa away. Distance from Sumbawa Harbour is about 1.5 hours (by wooden boat) or 40 minutes by speedboat, or you can fly there from Bali. A stunning, mountainous island is Moyo mostly covered by protected forests. The dense forest is home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, wild boar, wild cattle, monkeys and various species of birds.

The island Moyo asserts some of the most beautiful waterfalls in Indonesia have made famous by a visit to the late Lady Diana.


I met a local, Pak Hadi Zamzuri Al Mahsyat, tourism and creative industries division of West Sumbawa Regency, the me some local insight into this gave region. "I love Totang Rasa Restaurant. An excellent choice for lunch or dinner," he said when asked about his favorite place to eat. "Another favorite is Tanamira restaurant, and if you sweets and snacks like Call in Amat Loka afternoon for a traditional snack called Palopo."

Pak Hadi explained there is no museum or gallery, and what attracts most people to Taliwang are the buffalo and the local horse racing. Instead once except during Ramadan, people love this race to collect every two weeks and enjoy. The races are held in different districts, and this organization takes care of the scheduling. "Check with me just at the tourist office, and I can for you or your local leaders learn to consult."

Horse Race

Local horse races attract visitors to Taliwang, Sumbawa

Fast Facts: West Sumbawa, Indonesia


Sumbawa Tour Guide and Driver - Pak Takwa


Telephone: +62812384 39828

West Sumbawa Regency Tourism - Pak Hadi



by boat: Public ferry from Lombok to Sumbawa runs daily from Labuan Kayangan ( East Lombok) to Poto Tano (West Sumbawa). The journey time is 2 hours


Poto Tano: .. The port seaport for ferries to and from Lombok

Seran Village: Hotel is 10 km from Poto Tano, this is the place of a 1000 year old cemetery

Mantar Village: .. Accessible by 4Wd - 1 hour from Poto Tano

Mantar paragliding with Pak Effendy Haris. Email: or by phone: 081331728311

Jelenga Beach

Scar Reef Hotel: snorkeling equipment, fishing, hiking and surfing.

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