Borneo is the third largest island in the world that is politically divided by three countries, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei , The island has more than 250 indigenous tribes, which are commonly referred as Dayaks. Since 1974, Michael has over 150 expeditions made into the heart of Borneo.
Michael with trophy skulls in Borneo in 1977
What do you have in Borneo?
When I was reading about the Wild Man of Borneo, which caught my fancy a child. Then in 1974, we met a couple in Legian, which had just returned from Borneo, John and Marie DeConey. I asked how we could get there and within a couple of days we were on Borneo off for real adventure.
What about the headhunters?
A stories about the famous headhunters in Borneo hear that very true. A walk through the porch of the nave one hundreds of trophy skulls suspended in clear view, proudly on display, taken from war and can see through daring challenges. When a warrior cuts a head, he was awarded a ring tattoo on his finger. I have several older men met who proudly showed me her tattooed hands full with trophy rings. An old warrior told me that he began to no room on his hands and tattooed the rings on the legs. Pretty impressive stuff!
What were the dangers in the river basin of Borneo at this time?
in the world in the jungles of the third largest island Travel comes with many dangers; Malaria, dengue fever, poisonous snakes, insects and without medical assistance could be hurt be fatal. The rivers of Borneo are some of the most difficult and dangerous in the world.
Grand-Bahau boss and woman
Tell me. Of a hazardous event on the river
on one occasion on the Mahakam River in East Borneo (Kalimantan), I and three Dayak Bahaus were heading downstream in an eight-meter dugout when suddenly earlier I saw that we were approaching quickly a huge amount life-threatening rapids. I hit my Dayak pull driver on the side of the river passing. Then I could and two Dayaks charge to walk through on foot, and the driver can the rapids alone whizzing by. But the driver assured me not to worry (the infamous last words). Just like that, we entered the mouth of the dragon. Halfway through the rapids capsized the canoe, the charge and the throwing four of us in the raging river. We lost all the cargo and one of my Dayak crew. His body 2 days later appeared downstream path. It was a really scary experience!
I heard that you were the first one to introduce the Borneo baskets (anjat) to the outside world. Tell me about it.
Yes, we were the first to introduce this incredibly beautiful woven rattan backpack with the outside world. called The Borneo bag anjat is native to most Dayak tribes. We see it every day on Bali and it's who have been a symbol for travelers to Bali. My goal was the people to get them to start a cottage industry for this beautiful backpack, and now this goal has been achieved.
Tell me, an intimate story that occurred during your trip in Borneo.
After many expeditions in the jungles of Borneo, I had heard about the liberal sexual traditions of the tribes in Sarawak. I was curious as hell about the Iban tribe and its liberal culture of promiscuity to discover. Now that door of opportunity had finally presented. I was young and my testosterones were sprayed. Soon I was to find out whether this was a true story or just a fable. I just had to find out!
Michael on Katibas River, West Borneo
One night while visiting a village on the upper Katibas River in Sarawak, I would find out if the stories I had heard were true. When the conversation about all withdrew their elders and the children had the evening to their baliks (apartments). I stayed there with a small group of teenage boy, about cultural differences in the chat, when suddenly one of the boys asked me if I liked the girl with the red blouse, the one that had been flirting with me. Suddenly her exotic Gauguin-esque face smiled in my mind's eye. Impressive! Yes I remember! So the guys told me that they waited balik in her family to me. Meanwhile, all the elders and children were fast asleep. They showed me the door to the balik to tell me that the room would be illuminated by a very dim palm oil lamp and inside there were many beds covered with mosquito nets each of them.
They told me, "The girl is waiting for you inside. It is the first mosquito net on the right side of the balik. Just open the Network and quietly slip inside. Go! You waiting for you! "
I nervously entered the balik. I found the first mosquito net on the right side and quietly opened the curtains. A fear began through my mind races. What if I get caught? These people are headhunters! I lay down beside her, put my arms around her and snuggled softly to her warm body. BAM then! I was struck in the head! All I could see swirling stars! Then she let out a scream, which woke the entire nave. I had been struck just at the elbow of her old grandmother in the face greatly. A wave of chatter during the longhouse curled, which then turned into shrieks of laughter. That's when I realized that I had been punked just returned from a bunch of teenagers Iban boy! I woke up the next morning with a swollen black eye and lots of laughs from my Iban friends. So much for adventure in paradise!
Any suggestions for anyone to visit Borneo and where?
The jungles of Borneo are only for the hardcore happy camper. The equatorial temperatures are oppressively hot and humid with many mosquitoes and other strange creatures crawling. No villas here, no internet, mobile telephones, or comfort and privacy are rare commodities. Local village food is very exotic indeed. And if you really want to see genuine authentic Dayak culture and the people, you have to travel deep into the interior, which can mean days by boat. There is a place I recommend that you visit, and this is the Apo Kayan in the central highland mountains of Indonesian Borneo. There you'll find the real deal. To get there you need to charter, in advance, one level (it is expensive) operated by the Missions airlines. Good luck and Happy Trails!
Thank you, Michael!
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