Indonesia Bali targets success with the ten new tourism destinations replicating

Indonesia Bali targets success with the ten new tourism destinations replicating - Photo Alex Hanoko

As part of the efforts of the nation dependent on exports of commodities, President Jokowi selected tourism has reduce, as a key sector with economic policy, beef.

2016 has been a busy year for the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia. The administration has begun to develop new initiatives and to start that the nation's travel industry will hopefully strengthen. In an effort to reduce dependence on raw materials, President Jokowi has chosen to strengthen tourism as one of the five key sectors with economic policy. Since Indonesia is rich in resources, which have not yet been used for incoming visitors - both cultural and natural -. see experts and stakeholders of the President step as logical one

While Indonesia abundant resources and has the potential to create a tourism powerhouse of Southeast Asia, the archipelago is still lagging behind its neighbors in terms of annual foreign visitor numbers. With regard to the number of inbound tourists from overseas, Malaysia and Thailand are against Indonesia by almost threefold. In 2015, Malaysia was able to attract 25.7 million foreign visitors, while Thailand pulled in 28.8 million. Indonesia, on the other hand brought foreign tourists in only 9.7 million. Singapore beat Indonesia, reaching 15.2 million foreign arrivals.

It is worth noting that Indonesia domestic population live on around 250 million accounts for the lion's share of people in Southeast Asia. Many of the foreign arrivals in Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia during 2015 were undoubtedly Indonesian citizen. This inevitably makes the number of foreign arrivals in Indonesia less than the same figure for the domestic tourism could paint a different picture in the archipelago. But even in this sense, Indonesia tourism industry, with all its potential inert contributed only four percent of the total GDP of the country in the past year.

One reason policy makers can be attracted to a tourism push, is the fact seems that the travel industry of the country are less affected by the global economy than other sectors. Experts say grown Indonesia Tourism steadily in recent years, in contrast to demands for raw materials such as oil, coal and iron ore, which tend to fluctuate with international business activities.

Teuku Riefky Harsya, head of the House of Representatives Commission X, recently told the press: "the data from the last three years shows that almost all other local businesses contribute to foreign exchange earnings reduction Meanwhile, it is only the. tourism sector, which actually shows a significant increase. "Harsya argued that tourism can give the biggest boost to the foreign exchange earnings of the country, but also provides a lot of jobs to Indonesia domestic workers.

agrees CEO Mark Plus Hermawan Kartajaya, Jokowi calling plan intelligently. He recently told the media:... "President Jokowi is very smart, he knows that tourism is in this current economic condition of importance these last two years, the president of Tourism has selected as a strategic sector, it is a wise decision of a national leader, because before that, tourism had never been seen as the country's strategic sectors. "

ambitious goals, Indonesia Tourism Ministry says it sees the nation's number ramp of foreign arrivals to 20 million by the year 2019

until then, the government hopes to make tourism for eight percent of the total GDP of the country, create Rp.240 trillion (US $ 18 billion) in exchange foreign employ income and 13 million inhabitants. By the end of 2016, the government forecasts 12 million international visitor arrivals with a foreign exchange profit of Rp.172 trillion ($ 13 billion). He expects that tourism accounts for five percent of the national GDP, and employ a total of 11.7 million inhabitants.

to achieve such an ambitious goal, the government wants to Bali tourism success to duplicate in other places throughout the country. Officials say Indonesia operates ten new destinations for international tourists to develop. These places include Borobudur in Central Java, Mandalika on Lombok Island, Labuan Bajo, Flores, Bromo-Tengger-Semeru in East Java Pulau Seribu in North Jakarta, Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Wakatobi in Southeast Sulawesi , Tanjung Lesung in West Java, Morotai in the northern region of Halmahera in Maluku, and Tanjung Kelayang in Belitung.

The project covers several aspects of the development. It includes necessary infrastructure projects such as transport, public utilities, information and computer technology (ICT) readiness to current access and much more. This includes the strengthening of the safety, health, hygiene and environmental sustainability of the existing businesses in these places. The government says it will form a national authority to manage the ten priority locales and implement a central objective management system. Tourism Minister Arief Yahya is optimistic that the projects to increase the number of foreign tourists in Indonesia.

"By accelerating the development of the above ten priority objectives, we project 8.5 million additional international tourists," the minister said in a statement. To support the effort, the government recently introduced a visa-free travel policy which includes incoming travelers from 0 countries. The list will cover 174 countries in total by the end of 2016.

The government eliminated clearance authorization to enter the territory for yachts Indonesia. It deregulated the cabotage policy for foreign cruise ships. In this way, passengers ships at five different ports throughout Indonesia can board and depart, it is easier for international tourists to get into the country by boat.

In addition, the Ministry is an international marketing campaign called Wonderful Indonesia is running. In an interview with Indonesia Expat , the deputy marketing assistant Eddy Susilo Ministry says: "The Wonderful Minister Arief Yahya led Indonesia campaign good According to World Economic Forum 2015, the campaign has 47 in the world as. which is better in Thailand and Malaysia, the 83 or 96 this year rank. "

Susilo says the promotion specifically targets 12 focus markets including Southeast Asia, China, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and the US , The domestic version of the campaign, Pesona Indonesia runs, while drums and local tourism interests above.

In addition to the physical infrastructure to develop new guidelines Edition and runs promotions, the government is also planning the country's tourism sector to take to a new level by digitization. The Ministry plans to launch an e-marketplace called Travel X-Change Indonesia in August. With a concept of "look, book and pay ', the online platform will allow users to search and book tour packages from local travel agencies. The user can process payments via the platform. The Ministry claims that it will try to register local travel agents on the platform at an early stage to obtain, so they can be ready to use by the consumer in two months time.

to create sustainable human resources for Indonesia's tourism push, the Ministry has also developed four tourism-oriented universities and academies. It says that these institutions are now to see 20 percent more enrollments on average in 2016 than they did last year. This year there are about 9,800 prospective students who. In the tourism as a career in Indonesia

claiming to be

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