The sad story of Pieter Erberveld

The sad story of Pieter Erberveld - Lithography of the Pieter Erberveld Memorial by Josias Cornelis Rappard - 1888

a number of versions of this story are. Depending on the narrator, from a terrible fate or the matrix, the Super System the good people of Batavia were stored if you wish, the awkward outsider and troublemaker rid. But whatever the chroniclers of the Twist, the plot is simple :. Pieter Erberveld was accused convicted and executed

He was the son of a German father and a native mother some sources refer to it as a Christian Thai, while others claim it was Indonesian. His father had come to Batavia and had started a tannery business. Once appointed by the VOC (Dutch East Indies Company) as a consultant for cadastral matters for the Ancol area of ​​North Batavia, he was landed citizens. That sounds better than it actually was, as in the early 18th century Batavia, a free man, but wealthy, was on the bottom rung of the expat manager.

Lithography of the Pieter Erberveld Memorial by Josias Cornelis Rappard - 1888

Lithography of Pieter Erberveld Memorial by Josias Cornelis Rappard - 1888

The property of several hundred hectares was left to his son, the unfortunate Pieter

at this point we will have to separate the twists and follow them. individually. My sympathy goes Pieter Erberveld, the victim of the forces that be the forces that usually get what they want.

So that's the sad story, where Pieter Erberveld is made the victim.

Governor General Joan van Hoorn expressed the wish that the estate Pieter had inherited to buy. When he refused to sell his land, it was expropriated on the grounds that the papers were not in order. Easy.

He must have protested loudly and persistently, because in the end that some ten years after the expropriation, the VOC finally fed up and accused him of a conspiracy to oust the VOC, massacre all expatriates Caucasians and Overland announce Batavia. This coup should take place on New Year's Eve 1721. The authorities of the conspiracy by a slave from Erberveld Obviously own household had been informed, and they responded with the speed.

Erberveld and his co-conspirators-Raden Ateng Kartadriya, a functionary of Banten and layeK were arrested with 17 others, a young man from Sumbawa-along, tortured and sentenced. The verdict was death, and in the case of Pieter Erberveld this was a fairly lengthy process. He was drawn and quartered, and beheaded after his heart and other internal organs were torn.

This, of course, was the official line: His head was then impaled on a wall in front of his old house, built with the following inscription as a warning to potential sympathizers. But for the last 300 odd years have a lot of questions as increased by the actual full facts of the case. became independent also from the Dutch side, and long before Indonesia.

The main question be answered (answers will not be found, lost by the way, as the relevant documents on the case were) is:?! , want why Pieter Erberveld do would

had been cheated more than ten years after the VOC, sudden mass murder ... are planning to get even

Pieter Erberveld Memorial in Jacatraweg - Batavia

Pieter Erberveld Memorial in Jacatraweg - Batavia

another question, waiting for an explanation reads: would take the authorities to the words of a slave immediate action? And who was the slave anyway? The answer to the first is "probably not". Bureaucracies, including those of private trading houses are not to make quick decisions known, and here we are talking about the 18th century! People in the slow lane were used a letter to life would take 6-8 months, HQ could, therefore, to expect an answer to one-and-half years. Would not they be suspicious and want to check why suddenly a slave denounced the Master?

The information on the identity of the slave is even more confusing. One story is that of a slave, Ali wanted to marry Sarina from the same household, but the master, Pieter Erberveld not released. It was said that Sarina was his own daughter, and he did not want to marry a slave. Another version is that it was his bed warmer, and he did not want to lose. Ali, angry and disappointed, is said to have then brought the security apparatus in contact while still maintains a different version that it was Sarina, who passed the information ... Again why? Because she was not allowed to marry Ali, who wanted to make an upstanding woman of her! Sounds implausible.

has in Indonesia Pieter Erberveld reached a semi-hero status and is used to illustrate to gain independence the wickedness of the colonizers and the early efforts.

I see him in a wider and ongoing context: the limits of the individual and the systemic power of the Matrix. Think of John Lennon Working Class Hero. ... "Once you are born you feel small / you no time instead of giving them all ..."

The monument Pieter Erberveld was destroyed during the Japanese occupation, but the commemo- Fung tablet with has been saved. A replica can be seen in Museum Taman Prasasti , on Jl. Tanah Abang 1. Check it out, it is a wonderful experience.

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