A diving paradise in Sulawesi

A diving paradise in Sulawesi - Prince_John_resort

Prince John Dive Resort is not in Palu. It's about an hour on the road, in a small place called Donggala. The road to the right and you will hear crush the tires and old coral Crunch announces your arrival in the easy-to-miss entrance.

The resort is nothing if not easy. Simple huts. Simple tone and tenor scattered hammocks on the portals of more than a dozen huts, completely scratching young and yellow coconut trees with a few chickens in the bushes. The check-in desk is also the bar. No welcome drink. No wet towel.

But easy is hard to find nowadays. Resorts throughout Indonesia are overrun with pink umbrella drinks and mixers. What most resorts are missing in dive sites they try in the parade and to form the gloss. Not Prince John.

Prince John doing it right, from the dive boat simply called "submarine" to the experienced divemaster who claimed to spend 35 kg Storage 5 minutes slack lining and basking in the applause of guests, broaches the idea to explore a 60-year-old wreck, which lies about 40 meters below the surface.

Prince John Resort, just 70 km south of the Equator, is one of the most remote, diverse and overlooked dive resorts in Indonesia. The resort, push the little and runs mostly on word-of-mouth had, offers everything from 80-meter wreck and dugong encounters with whale sharks to run-ins and a house reef, home to some of the most spectacular night the editor of Dive Mag Indo Diving in the southern hemisphere.

"What I saw with Prince John on expectation was," says Riyanni Djankaru. "I had underestimated the dive sites and was there simply to sunbathe. But the coral reefs, colorful nudibranchs, frogfish and sharks were a real surprise. The realization there is a hidden gem in Donggala below is one of the best feelings, I love it! "

There is nothing like a 40 meter dive. The fact that it is only a seven-minute boat ride from your bungalow only helps to sweeten the pot. One minute you toying with your BCD while Nasrun, one of the three resort veteran dive guide, the actual checks, dipping his head into the railing wake. And the next you weave your way through the portholes of a football field long shipwreck. Just a few friends and the dive guide and if you're lucky, Alexander Franz, Prince John the owner.

And that's the beauty in Indonesia live, with 17,000 islands, it is easy, a decade to spend search are glad of new spots like Palu Mutiara wreck, only one of dozens of dive sites in the staff at the Prince John, to show.

"We have to hide the buoys," said Alex, pointing with a smile on as Prince John is OK to keep with a secret or two. "If we remain on the surface they would be gone in a day and we would have a hard time, the wreck have to find."

But they would not. Between Alex and the three dive guides there are about a century diving experience housed under one resort. A quick glance at the website of the place gives a detailed description of the team that are a nice mix of expertise and humility.

Normally one would the house reef to explore at first, but here at Prince John the coast one is best for a night dive-two or three night dives, if you're smart about it. The house reef it raises some of the most amazing sights. Do not know where to look and your head is straight on a swivel arm for 60 minutes. The torches crisscrossing the dark water, like headlights outside a movie premiere.

"We saw a great Spanish dancer, a huge grouper that hunted for food, the diver flashlights and many more," says Riyanni. "It was so hectic down there."

Nasrun, famous by Prince John's three divemasters, also loves the reef. "The reef has a wide range of animals and it is really easy to dive," says Nasrun.

Another point Nasrun says is Marantale and Parigi, a two-hour drive from the resort and home to a mind-blowing reef, giant sponges and the best view in Palu, 40-50 meters of pure blue bliss. The elusive dugongs usually play out in Natural, a dive site, which depends on the moon and the tides. The Dugongs come to play and eat here with some luck.

The most difficult about Donggala and Prince John to figure out what to do with your time. Most guests from Jakarta or Bali fly and stay for three or four days. Depending on what time of year you decide with the resort to book could run in families fresh from Jakarta, backpackers who were smart enough to avoid crowded dive resorts or limo driver from Germany who spend with Alex eight weeks decided Nasrun and Prince John.

"I thought for a while," a German guest said, "and Prince John and Palu just had everything I wanted. I never thought to split my trip between other places. Everything I wanted right here. "

Prince John Dive Resort
+ 62- 457 71 710

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