The Legend of Kebo Iwa

The Legend of Kebo Iwa - 06

If you travel frequently between Sanur and Ubud, there is a chance that you 'have fat see the big baby statue in Sakah intersection sitting. It shows Baby Kebo Wanara, a powerful warrior Balinese legend circa 12th to 14th century. His legendary exploits have, so much so that the statue of him dominates him in the pantheon of demigods of Balinese folklore as Baby tourist buses passing through the busy intersection twisting. On some nights, especially if it did not make enough deals to hear locals a baby at the intersection crying report. Some whisper about seeing, walking the baby through the streets in their dreams.

Never heard of him? Balinese, whose eyes at the mention of the Majapahit Empire splendor probably never have the stories of the powerful military genius Kebo Wanara either said. Its name literally means "Stud Virgin Bull" because he remembered to have fathered as no offspring. He is more love Kebo Iwa called, a rather infantile way his name to tell what might explain why his baby deeds be remembered when his adult.

Legend has it that on the day he was born, Kebo Iwa had an insatiable appetite. Not tired of its mother's milk, he would gesture toward the kitchen of his mother until he was fed freshly cooked white rice. It took more than a village to raise this child; the neighboring villages also, so eager they were in the rearing of this miracle giant child.

participate When drought and famine struck, making it difficult to feed him, Kebo Iwa deep well with his bare hands dug irrigation of the Community rice fields. The big boy with broad shoulders went to become a powerful warrior, builder and carver. Legend has it that he boards near Tampak carved exquisite Gunung Kawi cave with his nails Siring.

Add Kebo day, totemic names of the mighty animals were very popular in Java and Bali, especially among strongmen or warrior. The Bull nemesis was Gajah Mada ( "Elephant General"), the mahapatih (Prime Minister) of the Majapahit Empire. Gajah Mada was to bring, attributed the kingdom to the height of his fame, during the 14th century, when its influence the entire Southeast Asian archipelago spans what is now Thailand to Papua New Guinea, from the Philippines to Darwin.

An interesting historical anecdote is that the only major war of Majapahit was conducted against Bali. The rest of the area was controlled by the facilitation of trade and / or intimidation instead of conquest. This leads some historians believe that Bali was an important power in the region at the time. Part of it was the military genius of Kebo Wanara who fought successfully many conquest campaigns from Java.

Gajah Mada declared a truce and invited Kebo Wanara on Java with the offer of a vast virgin bride as his peace offer. When completing Dame Kebo was asked to honor his bride, by a well-digging, and was then buried alive

history lessons on Balinese schools not rich in Bali before Javanese influence mention much. if any. Perhaps this part of the national identity formation agenda is to glorify the days when the country under one kingdom was united, namely the Sriwijaya and Majapahit Empires.

As a child I had read folk tales about Kebo Iwa and giggle at Kebo Iwa curse Gajah Mada (and the Javanese.): "You will be ruled by men who stink for three and a half centuries as cows" a very clever reference to the Dutch (or so I thought)

, this piece of writing, but I scoured contemporary print and online versions of the story and was disappointed to find no mention of the men who like cows stink.

Instead changed the end. Kebo Wanara bursts out of the well, debris flying in the air, and fights Gajah Mada man-to-man. During the fight, apparently losing Gajah Mada, the Majapahit explained Minister his dream of uniting Archipellago. Kebo Wanara apparently falls for the beauty of this vision, and told Gajah Mada his weakness: limestone. Ka-Pow, Gajah Mada punches a limestone cliff to make some dust, and throws a handful of Kebo Wanara. Breathe limestone clogged dust, Kebo Wanara loses its magical powers and is killed by Gajah Mada.

In the version of the story that I read as a child, Kebo Wanara to be

his bride, told (a huge bride -Doll of a Puppetmaster) his weakness to lime in the same conversation she to dig a well , asks him checked. The sly Gajah Mada buries him with limestone alive first, and then with the earth and rocks he had dug out of the ground.

White-washing is common to sanctify the winner in the history. Nevertheless, I believe that the Community Artists Kebo Iwa's image rendering honored him showcase of him as a baby from limestone. There in the presentation of his carefree times as a baby in Bali, illustrated stories mothers tell their children, to encourage them to eat, strong and big to grow, is the element of its defeat.

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