Jump in Bali past: Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida

Jump in Bali past: Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida -

Walking around the tourist area of ​​Bali, by the noise the horn and thousands of motorcycles surrounded, stunned by car fumes and through different types of sellers, with their hypnotic chorus, hunted "transport, yes?" I usually find this paradise island to think that a part of the long-time expats are to describe, in front of a beer or two, used at their favorite bar. I think about roads with few cars, maybe a few horse-drawn carriage, no electricity and phone, wonderful calm beaches and smiling people, and I really dream to build a time machine, to have the opportunity to have a look from me, for just a few hours.

Science runs fast, but probably not fast enough to bring people back in time. So the only alternative is to find a place in modern Bali, where we can imagine the past. stopped Maybe in some small villages in the north, or in some remote mountainous areas, the time, or at least slowed down. Another alternative is to take a boat and visit the three islands of Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Penida Ceningan and Nusa.

Lembongan is a destination well known, especially for surfers and divers, and today it is not very different from mainland Bali, with the great advantage of the almost total absence of cars. Walking from the main village, Jungutbatu, follow the road towards the mangrove forest, some local houses, inhabited by algae farmers resist the growing tourist business the. Many of them do not have electricity, the sea and seaweed plantations overlooking, do not have as their ancestors live, or at least the "Modern" penetrated is not their life. If you around their village on foot when it is already dark, it is not uncommon for them to still be seen working on their algae, drying the left during the day under the sun. Your circadian rhythm is strongly affected by the flood is at low tide, algae farms are more accessible

Given the speed of tourism development in Lembongan, probably not remain the rural village there long. so hurry if you want to visit it. Nusa Ceningan, a small island with Lembongan with a small bridge, has some interesting surf breaks and a beautiful view of the southern cliffs.

But if you really want to jump into the past, your goal Nusa Penida, the largest of the three. Very few tourists land on this 0 square kilometer island, probably because the infrastructure is very limited. Some cheap homestays and simple structure are the main villages (Toyapakeh, Ped and Sampalan), but do not expect luxury.

hold Lack of infrastructure, especially the lack of fresh local and foreign investors far from Penida. And it's a real shame - or perhaps saving the authenticity of the island - because the natural wonders of Penida are amazing and incredibly diverse. The north coast of Toyapakeh to Buyuk, has a long white sandy beach (also in some places when the road, built too close to the sea, has been the erosion of the beach caused) with a knowing world coral reef, hosting more than 0 species of fish and 250 species of coral. In particular, the site is in front Toyapakeh an incredible coral garden with lots of healthy hard corals and fish.

The seaweed farms occupy a large part of the north coast of Penida and are the main source of income, the inhabitants of the island. The limestone cliffs of the south, constantly beaten by big waves, offer a dramatic view of the Indian Ocean. Arrival is very difficult, the area is removed, the roads almost inaccessible, and even the locals are not always able to indicate the right direction. But it's definitely worth it to see you the adventurer. Note also the possibility, in the field of camping. If you have the necessary equipment, it could be a wonderful experience Just be sure to have with you everything you need. Even hand mobile phones generally do not work in this area

Crystal Bay, a must for many divers, another object is worth seeing. It's funny to notice that, even though many submersibles to Crystal Bay, very few people actually go on a daily basis the head, on the beach of board, and you can in alone on a white beautiful tropical beach, as the first tourist prior find Bali for 30 years. From diving view Crystal Bay one of the best spots Oceanic Sunfish (Mola Mola) is seen during their annual migration that. June to October Pass only; Crystal Bay is not a destination for beginners, because of the unpredictable currents and the cold water.

If you want to see something else in the ocean, the Goa Karang Sari (Karangsari cave near Sampalan) offers an impressive view of stalactites and other limestone formations. But if you really want to feel this glimpse of old Bali, hire a bike, take the bumpy road, and lost on the island of


Nusa Lembongan is easily connected to the mainland Bali. Fast and slow boats depart daily from Sanur Beach Jungutbatu and during the high tourist season, Mushroom Bay. Use local villagers usually other routes from Kusamba come and Padang Bai: just remember to check the weather first, as the safety of the greatest strength of these boats is not exactly

It is possible to achieve, Nusa Penida [1945013beide] of Bali (speedboats Sanur, slow boats from Benoa, Padang Bai and Kusamba) and Nusa Lembongan. Chartered small boats from Jungutbatu or the bridge of Nusa Ceningan are always present, and often the skipper can help you find to rent a motorbike in Nusa Penida. Always bargain, than the starting price is always at least doubled. Current information in the tourist offices or on wikitravel.org are easily accessible.

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