Educating the Past

Educating the Past - Hollandsch Inlandsche School in 1936 Blitar East Java

Indonesia is historical baggage in the last century and a half that we cant headlong into this newfangled thing people call globalization Indonesia educational infrastructure struggles in the 1970s to catch up. Forget concepts such as the Internet, creative thinking and meritocracy, many students are to be sat in lines to memorize, while the teacher, the epicenter of the learning experience, drones on and on, listing facts, data and formulas in memory and vomited demand ,

While the students in other countries shall be comfortable in different languages ​​before the first break, here the thinking of old notions of master and servant dictated. Witness the recent expulsion of five students from a school in Sulawesi, because they have some fun the audacity and submit it online. The government is anxious for his noble intention, spending 20% ​​of their budget on education, but it is worth it in its infancy carries the concept of radicals of learning.

considered the end of the 19th century, education good enough only for the sons and daughters of the Dutch colonialists and their Eurasian descendants. While there is a movement for the local elite to be educated was a day to take over from the Dutch, the people have been studiously ignored in the kampungs .

were in Surabaya, for example, attempts made on the population with the opening of Mattschappij tot Nut van het algmeen education (for the general welfare as a company stock) that was in 1853 a elementary school with the aim of Javanese children a few basics of teaching but it later closed only seven years later.


round about the same time a few places in the elite Dutch language schools were the offspring of the local elite, while in 1867 the government wanted to develop local language schools at the primary level, although the students were only three years of learning before they thrown into the world.

Hogere Burger School SMA Komplek Surabaya 6 There seemed little desire to continue training. At the time, there were a total of two secondary schools (Hoogere Burger) on the islands, which opened in 1875 and by the turn of the century Surabaya boasted only a local student. The doctrine was definitely centered on the system in the Netherlands.

Despite the "expansion" of the 1870s, from 1896 Surabaya a grand total of 12 primary schools boasted, eight of which were government led, extended with a visit to five years, while two were Catholic. For the vast majority of the population each learning came in the traditional pesantren where respected kyai students learn how to read the Koran.

as Europe for the first was the preparation of World War II, the Dutch East Indies government was the introduction of separate schools with seven years of training with the last year in Dutch. The Hollandsch Inlandsche (HIS) and the Hollandsch Chineesche schools hoping to attract the rich Indonesian elite, then to the local schools look down on rather pretty much in the same way as they do today. For them knowledge Dutch language was the key.

In the years before the First World War, more and more children to go to school. In 1918, for example, visited 407 students the two HIS; 1929, there were 1,857 up to nine different schools go. While the number of Europeans in the school continued to rise and remained by far the largest single percentage, the local population began to take full advantage of the opportunities to take them. 19 new schools have been added to in Surabaya on this period of 11 years with 15 of them in the local communities.

The figures looked spectacular, but they came from a low base. 1930 estimated that only 14% of children were there in school, compared to 97% in the Netherlands. There was still a lot of work to do, but the financial crisis that the world was gripped felt in India and the government responded by return on cutting expenditure. it means concentrating on Dutch schools in the case of the formation and pull back from the others, to leave a vacuum.

in this space came as Taman Siswa organizations and Muhammadiyah. Taman Siswa was founded by Ki Hajar Dewantara 1922 in Yogyakarta. A devout nationalist, he strongly believed to empower local youth in education as a way while keeping close to its Javanese roots and was influenced by Maria Montessori and Rabindranath Tragore.

Prasasti Hogere Burger School When Howard Dick in his Surabaya city explains the work, "Just like Indonesian doctors of modern medicine to Kampong families nationalist organizations also brought modern education children Kampong ... as teenagers, many of these children in 1945 had brought prominently in the struggle for independence would. the educated elite, the movement for independence led helped sow the seeds of the uprising ".

Postwar Indonesia was a mess, as it came with a Japanese conquest, an outgoing colonial power and the problems of establishing a new state. The withdrawal of the colonial government of training before the war meant a lack of schools while investment in teacher-trainer also suffered. In the heady days of Merdeka, it was not to study "cool" in Dutch, while the best teachers, trained as they were in the Dutch method, the skills and empathy was lacking to teach in Indonesia.

Dick says, "the state government was too far away, too busy with national and international politics, and there was a lack of money to do what was necessary."

It was only in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the central government, finally signs stability after decades of chaos was to devote serious time and resources devoted to education by the influx of petrodollars. Schools began to be built and the number of children shot attend primary school, while the government, unconsciously aping its colonial predecessors again, seemed to be a hands-off policy to apply to secondary school, the private sector so that the guide to assume more decide as 70% of high school students for a private education.

However, Indonesia, still for the lost generation to pay. Plagued by occupation and the birth pangs nation building does not have to keep up with a growing population and a booming economy. A system that was painfully inadequate before the Second World War by 30 years of chaos and neglect creaked and crumbled. At the time, come back investments and would begin to have an impact, a whole generation went through a training that painfully inadequate and the Alumni was influenced by the events that surround their schooling, are now fighting to a time adapt, is very different to the one they grew up.

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