Women Power and Politics

Women Power and Politics - Women Power and Politics

Women Power and Politics

Angela Merkel As things stand, only a large country in Western Europe - you know, that block with good football, liberal values ​​and rising unemployment - has a single woman at the top: Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of Germany

that's only one .. the US, the largest country in the history of the world (TM CNN and Fox News) has to have one more. Ever. It has been the talk Hilary Clinton can stand for the next elections are held in 2016, but three and a half years may be in politics a mighty long time. And in general, not only that they will be on the coattails of her old husband, Bill, a former owner of the White House riding?

Megawati Soekarno Putri Meanwhile here on in conservative, patriarchal Asia it seems the company has been adopting many more have State of the idea of ​​women. In the wreckage, which was Indonesia Post Suharto, Megawati Sukarnoputri became president and the symbol reformasi before the 04 general election to lose. 10 years, it remains very electable if the polls are to be believed. Name recognition helps, of course, as her father was an Indonesian first leader.

Thailand also has the women leaders Club with Yingluck Shinawatra stepped currently serving their Prime Minister. Brother of Thaksin, a former PM currently in exile, she has struggled to Yingluck Shinawatra reconcile a country after years of political instability and an ongoing insurgency in the south.

Bangladesh rarely makes news. A disaster, but nothing else. But this South Asian nation was ruled by women since the 190s. The same two women. The current leader is Sheikh Hasina, ordered in 09 for their second time. The daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangladesh first post independence president, she was forced to live in exile, the target of an assassination attempt has been charged with corruption and murder, but still depends as the Awami leader on in there.

Sheikh Hasina has In a neat twist on job sharing, Hasina rotated the hot seat with Bangladesh Begum Khaleda Zia of the Bangladesh National Party rival. If Zia In 1991, she was the second ever female leader of a Muslim country (we'll get to that later) before it enters 1996 after Hasina had her five years, Zia was to 06 in 01 back when the military, tired of the political impasse occurred for a few years in. Zia was called married to an army officer Ziaur Rahman, president of Bangladesh in 1977 was before he was assassinated in 1981

Benazir Bhutto

the first woman at the head of a Muslim country was Benazir Bhutto, who reigned from 1988 to 190, and 1993 to 1996. It was a shrill voice in the murky politics of this country from exile in Britain before to be returned in 07 and murdered in a political campaign. Benazir was the eldest child of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, a former prime minister who. For approving the murder of a political opponent by a subsequent ruler

So far we have around four Asian countries were sentenced to death, all but Indonesia have freely selected women leaders; Megawati was vice president before Abdurrahman Wahid replaced after he had been removed from the position. But in any case, that the women concerned have their own way in the cut and thrust, made and downright ugly, world politics. Rather, they were catapulted on the basis of their name alone in positions of power. It is the policy as a trade mark; dynastic politics.

The story is too familiar in countries such as South Korea, India and the Philippines, where political parties have coalesced around a woman the same DNA, genetic sharing at least as a guide. Search to break the cycle seems a vain hope to be at least in the short term. Despite her previous work as president, which was made by accusations of indecision naught and dithering, Megawati will remain a player in Indonesia, popular in kampungs and districts that might identify with the family name as a chain of continuity, while the world changes around them.

Sri Mulyani There are murmurs about Sri Mulyani as a possible candidate in certain sections of the elite Jakarta. High regarded as a competent finance minister, it was moved during a political cat fight for the World Bank. Despite the messages of support from Jakarta cafes there was never a chance the rest of the company would be attracted to her. It does not matter what moves implemented to improve the state tax revenue, or how clean and efficient it was to see in the villages far from Jakarta, which will never be enough to win votes.

patronage still rules. Big powerful figures and families attract local leaders who act as the voice of Banks, and the people best equipped these special games are the ones with the name and the brand to play well established. Therefore, polls show many military candidate goes well -. A nostalgia for the stability and security of the old times, tinted lens or not

Eva Kusuma Sundari Sri Mulyani, with their experience of gilding to the top table of international finance, just does not fit into this world, nor has Eva Kusuma or others. More and more political parties and voters were other familiar faces turning voters to win the election in 09 and saw a collection of singers, become actresses and other celebrities legislature.

The country moved at least in the right direction. A law adopted last year agreed 30% politicians sitting should be women, though, if the house is fine with a bunch of filling sinetron of to improve the standard of politics in this country, remains to be seen. Indonesia is, unfortunately, still some time away a food daughter in the way the British did with Margaret Thatcher back in 1979, from appointment

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