The history of coffee in Indonesia

The history of coffee in Indonesia - map of jakarta _coffeehistory

a world without coffee Imagine! Even if you are not a coffee drinker, make the shopping malls and shopping streets without the ubiquitous cafes, specialized coffee shops, cafes and other shops in the sale of espresso, cappuccino, latte, café noir, mocha, macchiato coffee, or just java , But a few centuries ago, coffee was banned in a number of countries.


prohibited also in their country of origin, Ethiopia, coffee by the Orthodox Christians of the country until 1889, when it was considered a Muslim drink. And the grounds that it was an intoxicating drink, Muslim Ulema (scholars) in 1511, had done the same, but raised her decision later about 30 years. In Europe, King Charles II banned the coffee houses in 1676 because of their connection with rebellious political activists, but to come into force two days before the ban, he supported because of the noise down, which was followed by its adoption. And for nationalist and economic reasons Friedrich banned the Great in Prussia people to force to beer back. Prussia, without colonies, where coffee was produced had to import all its coffee at great expense. Fortunately (my personal opinion) we have overcome these limitations to enjoy the brew.

Original of Kaffa, a kingdom in medieval Ethiopia, coffee ( Coffea arabica ) was brought to Arabia, to be more precise, until today in Yemen, where it was grown and by the harbor Mocha exported. Starting in 1616 in the Netherlands East India Company (VOC) bought their coffee there and took it to Batavia (now Jakarta). Coffee soon became a valuable and very profitable commodity, and in 1696 the first seedlings were taken to Batavia to plant for Java.

This first batch planted in the grounds of the Governor General Willem van Oudtshoorn was lost shortly thereafter in a flood. The experiment was repeated, however, and in 1706 the first introductory sample of locally grown coffee could to Amsterdam, are exported along with a coffee plant. And, believe it or not, this seedling, nourished and botanical gardens in Amsterdam multiplied ( Hortus ), the grandparents-camp of Arabica coffee plants in Brazil and the Caribbean was. At least that's the story after Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indië . Wikipedia tells a different story, and writes the French with coffee to bring seedlings to Martinique, from where it spread to Mexico, Haiti and other Caribbean islands; while Brazil has its Santos coffee from the Isles de Bourbon (today Réunion).

Eduard Douwes Dekker aka Multatuli

Around 1878 Disaster as Arabica coffee leaf rust was vulnerable in the coastal areas of Java ( Hemilea vastatrix ) and had to be abandoned. When was imported in 100 the Robusta variety ( Robusta coffee ) that was resistant to the disease, from the Congo, the lower altitudes could be reclaimed again.

Before 1800, the VOC had imposed the cultivation of coffee on the population in the area around Batavia and in the mountainous region of West Java ( Parahyangan ). The district manager (Regent / Bupati ) every year deliver were contracted a certain amount of coffee beans. The VOC did not interfere in the cultivation, but had the regent, to ensure that the people planted coffee, kept to the gardens and provided the required amount of good quality coffee. During the second half of the 18th th century, coffee cultivation has been extended in Central Java, but on a more limited extent only. The main push in the rest of Java and the other islands was started by the Governor General Daendels (1808-1811) and the subsequent administrators.

The coffee Batavia area (now grown Duri Pulo, a short distance west of the Presidential Palace) very successful in Rijswijk and Meester Cornelis (about five miles south-east of the palace, now Manggarai). The population apparently did not raise any objections to the forced cultivation. And the same applied to West Java, where the quantity and quality requested were delivered on time. In the other parts of Java and the outer islands-especially western Sumatra and Maluku population was less, however, with the regime of compulsory cultivation.The lure additional income have taken to stimulate to grow coffee at the beginning of the population. In 1724 was sent about a million pounds of coffee to Amsterdam. But as carrot whip was, and the requested volume was increased to four million pounds (1727) and six million pounds in 1736, the enthusiasm of people dropped significantly. The regents received six stuiver (five-cent piece) per pound, cover the purchase had, and the transport of coffee VOC warehouse. The actual purchase (from the farm) has been done by the village headman. One can imagine, therefore, that the price for the farmers, only a fraction of the one by the regent was get paid.

Not only the coffee was forced harvest, but also sugar and indigo. This system of forced cultivation, Cultuurstelsel (farming system) was forced in 1830 and farmers introduced export crops to grow to 20 percent of their country, or alternatively offer 60 days per year of unpaid labor on public projects the common good, rather than the cultivation of rice and other staple foods. At the same time the collection was handed over to collect taxes agents who were paid by commission. Unsurprisingly, the systems were often abused: The prices for the farmers were paid minimal, the weight of the products purchased has been tampered with, the 60 unpaid workdays were often prolonged or spent on private projects of regional colonial officer or the regent. And the publican squeezed unmercifully farmers dry their commission to increase. No wonder that the system created widespread hunger and dissatisfaction.

, be included in the production of export crops, the rise of a more liberal outlook and parliamentary questions on poverty and hunger in Java, and the desire to allow private interests, led in 1870 to the abolition of Cultuurstelsel . But because of its profitability of growing coffee was enforced until the early 100s.

Among the people who carried most passionate (and effective) for rising liberal and self-questioning mood was Eduard Douwes Dekker. A colonial administrator since 1838, he was appointed assistant to protest 1857 inhabitants in Lebak, West Java, where he openly started by the regents about the exploitation and mistreatment of the natives, and the misconduct of the colonial authorities.

Max Havelaar

he resigned before he was released and returned to the Netherlands. There he continued his protestations in newspaper articles, brochures and in 1860 published his book Max Havelaar; or, The Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company , under the pseudonym Multatuli.

Outdated and by his superiors in the colonial administration into disrepute, he is now listed as a hero in the Indonesian annals for the period of the Dutch East Indies, 1800-1945-along with Prince Diponegoro, the initiator and commander of the Diponegoro War against the Dutch in Yogyakarta / Central Java, and Teuku Umar, the guerrilla leaders in Aceh.

of coffee cultivation in Java and elsewhere in the archipelago was, fortunately, not brought to an end by the mismanagement and misconduct of the colonial administration. Production in 2012-13 coffee in Indonesia was about 12.7 million 60-kg bags, of which almost 11 million bags were exported.

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