Comedy, comics and drawings of Real Life

Comedy, comics and drawings of Real Life - 1167081_596783220443756_2847349889493672100_o

You may already be familiar with Sacha Stevenson be As Indonesian Act YouTube videos, where Sacha does some clever, funny observations about her life in Indonesia and provides some tips for serene " Bules " and expats who fit into trying. It explains how to use the jongkok to cook (outhouse) or Indonesian food by frying everything in a large pot with oil, including fruit (bananas). A tip for expats a bit more seasoned appear hoping is always your guests offer a drink. I remember making this mistake in Malang, East Java - I would visit my neighbors always ask if they would have a drink and was surprised when she did not say, nodding, especially if it was boiling hot. Later I learned that this polite Javanese gesture probably meant: "Yes, I'd like a drink."

So, how does an expat meander to make it through a new country and to avoid social blunders like Alice in Wonderland? Perhaps a hawk might watch eagle eye, help, what the locals do in any situation, to learn more about different cultures, traditions and religions. But it is not easy, and certainly can help a good sense of humor, if something goes wrong, is called to avoid that dreaded word, sombong (arrogant).

Greg Blondin, Illustrator Muslim card courtesy of Ubud writers and readers festival

Comedy has always been a useful tool in the social or sensitive issues to discuss, so that they conform to the attention of the public or a healthy debate. A popular comic The Muslim Show has a large audience in Indonesia with its sharp-eyed commentary and I recently had to question the opportunity his manager Karim Allam, which explains how the project started. "Norédine, the writer was looking for comic books that talk about our daily lives - I mean Muslim people in France in the Western countries, we found subjects that teachers, nurses, firefighters, but nothing about our community. so we decided to create a blog to post these stories about Muslim people during Ramadan. we just want to spread a positive message, to share our daily lives, about our behavior, to speak our contradictions and provide useful information for people. See "

Created in 09 The Muslim has since become 25 languages, including Bahasa and two printed books have been translated into Indonesia from MIZAN Publishing. With 36,000 Indonesian trailer online, the comic also has over 1 million followers on its English and French Facebook pages combined. But why a French comedy has become so popular in Indonesia? "It is difficult to answer why, but maybe because Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world -. Perhaps because Indonesia is sensitive about Islamic issues than in other countries, perhaps because Indonesian people are more connected Our greetings from the Indonesian people in our three trips to Java were incredibly warm and unforgettable, "Karim said.

The team were out on a roadshow through Indonesia by the Institut Français Indonesia (IFI) and recently appeared at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (UWRF) in October this year. In a UWRF talk show, she appeared alongside Sacha Stevenson discuss the art of satire and what happens if you get it wrong. Sacha began the discussion by admitting that she hopes through their comedy "bring together groups with laughter" on - although popular with expats, their audience is now mostly Indonesian and she receives many comments on their videos, sometimes by people who personally their comedy take - even Sacha admitted: "I'm learning as I go."

next is at the discussion were Karim and Greg Blondin to speak the illustrators - I was impressed by her charisma and down- to-earth attitude. "We will explain how we work and how we are still alive," Karim smiled cheekily. But the key to their success has been their modesty might. "Our border with all to be fair, just to talk about what we know - with good knowledge and skills - you understand, we can not talk about something we do not know," said Karim. The team, though they tend to avoid global political problems are keen to meet the requirements of France and they have received since a good feedback, even from non-Muslims who have the comic found a good way, a know another culture to learn.

Karim promotes to create their own versions of social commentary and an IFI talk show in Surabaya, he gave advice to many professional artists and comic activists also the Indonesian artist. Keen to learn more about the scene in Indonesia, I contacted Pramenda Krishna A. of IFI, which show the roadshow The Muslim organized. "Many Indonesian comic writers cover social criticism, wrapped in humor, as Benny and Mice comic about Jakarta or comic writer Beng Rahardian. There are also numerous stand-up comedians who bring critical social issues in their shows (Akbar, Ari Kriting) . From Surabaya there Yuniarto with his comic Garudayana . IFI Surabaya has supported his work and we also worked with the independent library C20 every year from 09 to 2013 to make the comic festival Cergamboree , which was attended by a French comic book writer and some older Indonesian comic book creators "said Pramenda. "Create public awareness on climate change through books, for example." For its 2015 Environment (climate change) theme, IFI Plan

Despite try today ethos sometimes observed to live as an expat in Indonesia can feel overwhelming. I'm pretty sure that I did not Mandi (shower) enough, and I often forget announce makan to strangers on the train (which I will eat), if I want my eating very English homemade sandwich, but I try my best in this mystical wonderland that I now call home.

". We have Indonesia visited many times and just want to tell everyone that they have a beautiful country, and they are so cute Please do not change - always smiling, always helpful," added Karim and I agree entirely

The Muslim Show:

Sacha Stevenson on YouTube: sasaseno

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