Woe Iceland: The outer edge

Woe Iceland: The outer edge - DSC_8814

Small tropical treasure of peace and adventure can be found far hiding in northern Aceh, westerly at the edge of the Indonesian archipelago north. Woe Iceland is a small active volcanic island with a fringe of magic beaches, colorful coral and rich marine life, just 45 minutes by speedboat from the gateway city of Banda Aceh.

I found my way Casa Nemo Bungalow Resort & Spa in Sumur Tiga beach and in the late afternoon was relaxing I mean comfortable bungalow hammock, in the Andaman Sea looks out. Cloaked in lush green forests, woe is bursting with secret pleasures. Apart from diving, underwater hot springs, beautiful waterfalls and high mountain trails wait to be discovered.

The local Acehnese people add a touch of charm to this friendly, tropical island to welcome. Most tourists make their way to WEH find adventurous travelers looking for a secluded, island experience. The reward for traveling far that? , A simple, slow and completely stress-free holiday experience

I spent my first day the beautiful bays and beaches of woe discover a motorbike - the best way to cruise around and explore the island. The highlight of the day was the true big zero, the site made famous for the physical start of Indonesia marker. A zero as big as a football goal posts at WEH westernmost point positioned aptly named kilometer zero. It makes for a popular spot for locals and foreigners alike at 06:00 when the sun falls the edge Indonesia.

I ordered a sundowner at the warung and started talking with the locals, who told me there is a place in Papua to Indonesia's easternmost point mark. developed a lively discussion among the warung's patrons: What was the exact number written on the kilometer mark at the eastern end of the Indonesian island chain? Most agreed was around 5,300 kilometers but no one really knew. Most locals do not venture very far from the island of Weh.

Suddenly I heard the whir of a machine and shuffling papers. The clever shopkeeper had a small side business: spitting a printer were bright yellow certificates with beautiful gold lettering. Each were individually numbered by the mayor of Sabang (the main port city on the island of Weh) and signed. How could I resist? I asked for a for a keepsake, Welcoming inspection to see I was visitor number 91,743.

Next up, a discovery tour of the island, to find out what is up strewn among the diamonds of water woes. I discovered there around the island 20 dive sites were, with Gapang beach and its reef most popular.

The underwater world is fertile, and Marjan van der Burg, owner of Lumba Lumba Dive Centre, explained to me that people protected spot in the traditional way keep the sea gardens. "Diving keeps the economy afloat here," she explained.

"Each village responsibility takes its local patch of marine environment to protect. If an outside boat a villager territory comes and in any kind of destructive fishing practices, such as coral breaking or illegal dynamite blasting intervenes, taking the village action immediately. by law, they can seize the offender boat for a week and impose a fine. If the fishermen a second time feel offended, they can burn the boat. "This strong local social structure village offender keeps. According to van der Burg, this has resulted in wonderfully prolific marine life and pristine coral seabed.

WEH bounteous marine life contains notes of scorpion fish, lionfish and blue rays discovered. Even giant whale sharks are known to swim through these plankton-rich water. Rubiah island that lies a short distance from the shores of Lumba Lumba Dive Centre, has a unique coral gardens that are home to black spotted and honeycomb moray eels are. Divers can explore the Rubiah wall that drops 30 meters.

After a dive all day, head to Gapang beach back to try the local Acehnese food which. In the spice packs More classic Indonesian dishes are also available and some basic western food such as pancakes, sandwiches and fries. Mama Jungles is a popular family restaurant is located right on the beach.

For non-divers, there is much to Weh Iceland. Transport is easy to find and very cheap. Keen explorers can a motorcycle or car of the host family, bungalow retreat or dive organize stay. head to wander into the interior jungle trails, swim in Danau Anak Lauta (a quiet freshwater) or climb Mount Merapi, a semi-active Strato. Between the sights along the narrow, winding streets you will encounter island by friendly farmers quaint little villages habited.

The low-key island yet adventure-ready atmosphere, together with the wealth of the sea gardens and genuine hospitality Acehnese, makes a true gem Sumatran Weh island.

Underwater Nightlife

Lumba Lumba Dive Centre offers amazing night dives in Gapang reef. See colorful nudibranchs, ghost pipefish, symbiotic shrimp, octopus, frogfish and squat lobster. If night dives not tickle your fancy, try emerge daily with the three beach resident turtles. All you need are fins and snorkel and you can swim from the water with them in just a couple of meters. http://www.lumbalumba.com

rainforests on a mountain bike

If you can tear from the beaches, rent a bike and tours through the rainforest is a great way the island's natural diversity and get some exercise to experience. The roads are relatively free of traffic, so you cycle in peace and solitude. An easy 30 km drive will take you through a good chunk of the island and reveal beautiful coastal scenery.

Sea Breezes and Wildlife

, you can easily spot monitor lizards, monkeys, eagles, kingfishers and other tropical birds from the Lumba Lumba Dive Centre Garden. Coupled with salty sea air is the smell of lush greenery, as large overhanging Gapang trees surrounded part of the beach.


The flavors in Casa Nemo Bungalow Resort & Spa on Sumur Tiga Beach has a full menu of authentic dishes Acehnese. At the top of the list the tasty curry (fish or meat) is called Gule Aceh . Try Ikan Kayu , a dried tuna dish cooked in a mild curry sauce. Rendang Gurita sam Keuung is cooked in coconut milk squid dish, herbs and spices a local six hours and another favorite Plie U is crowned a tasty vegetable soup with dry coconut. Western taste is catered and includes pastries, cakes and bread, thin crust pizza and fine espresso. http://www.casanemo.com


Casa Nemo Bungalow Resort & Spa Located on the beautiful white sand beach of Sumur Tiga beach and offers snorkeling right in front of door of your bungalow. It is a family run resort, excellent with gracious hosts and Gianluca Balqist service and nice food. Gianluca goes to the local fish market very early every morning so you are guaranteed fresh seafood daily to have. Accommodation is in usual Acehnese style. Performances of traditional music and dancing every Saturday night. http://www.casanemo.com

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