Take the road less traveled: Cubadak Paradiso Village

Take the road less traveled: Cubadak Paradiso Village - Cubadak Paradiso Village Photo by Angela Richardson

on a small island off the coast off discovery of West Sumatra.

Why do we travel? Is it in the pursuit of so ticks many places in the world map as possible? Or perhaps the journey of self-discovery, what keeps you hopping on and off planes, trains and automobiles that crossed unknown. Life in Indonesia comes with its pros and cons (as in any country), but one of its many advantages is that there are so many exotic places to discover, and even though the journey may not always be easy, the end result is worth it , I discovered this recently with a trip to Iceland Cubadak off the coast of West Sumatra.

The history of Sumatra is rich and complex. Archaeological evidence suggests that Sumatra goal for migrating tribes from mainland Southeast Asia, with hunter-gatherers was along the Straits of Malacca lived approximately 13,000 years ago. The popular trade route to the east coast of the archipelago opened to China, India and the world, making it to the popular ideas of the time, as Islam is exposed.

During the colonial period, Sumatra saw almost every foreign power stake a claim in its abundant resources: the Dutch set camp in the West Sumatra port of Padang upwards; the British in Bengkulu governed; American traders monopolized pepper exports from Aceh; and the Chinese exploited tin reserves on the islands of Bangka and Belitung. to

cultural heritage, this region is home to about 4 million people Minangkabau, one of the last populations have rich a matrilineal culture that directly contrasts the predominant religion of the island of Islam. This natural beauty of the region is also a miracle, roll with green countryside, endless winding rivers and mini waterfalls dotting the roadsides.

arrival includes

Getting to Cubadak Island flying first to Padang Minangkabau International Airport, 1 hour and 20 minute flight from Jakarta. The flight is the easiest part of this journey, but, as we discovered on the 3.5-hour drive that went past on windy hill roads through forests to reach the island, just 20 km south of the city of Padang away , Normally, this trip is would take only 3 hours or even 2.5, if you are lucky that we were not - as we learn some delays on two bridge structures, and a mammoth storage in Padang city. Once reached the port of Corocok Tarusan, we were whisked to a speedboat for a ride 10 minutes to finally arrive at this small resort, where time seems to stand still.

Cubadak island is unique because it is also very nice offers both clear blue waters on one side and a lush green forest perfect for walkers and bird spotters on the other

is here the beach, with white sand to stretch about 1 km. - Perfect for lazing around and a good book to read. But do not expect right on the beach butler or five-star luxury, as this island has its own, more relaxed way of doing things.

23 years ago opened by Nanni Casalegno, an Italian man who sadly passed away in 2014, was the "village" by the very friendly Dominique and her husband Marco (both French) for the last 10 years operated. The island still has that 0's atmosphere, with its wood-paneled rooms, reminiscent of that can be found along the west or south coasts of Java. I doubt much has changed since it opened all those years ago.

Bungalows at Cubadak Paradiso Village

Bungalows in Cubadak Paradiso Village

With a total of 12 bungalows on the island, including a family unit, which can be rented as one, or split into two allows guests ashore or treat yourself to a through ~~ POS = TRUNC, suitable for families to stay with children. The wooden bungalows are what I would call, rustic-chic, is located right on the beach and are fully equipped with private bathroom, on the ground floor living area and a double bed on the mezzanine. Other amenities include a minibar, stocked with large Bintang and soft drinks, hot water and the added bonus of drinkable tap water that comes directly from a natural source on the island. There is no air conditioning here, if you are prone so to feel the heat, it is necessary to put the ceiling fan on high at night. The rooms are perfectly positioned to absorb the sound of cicadas and birds singing in the forest behind.

The Plunge

The island for divers is very good, looking for a less known region and the local government planning, in fact the marketing of this area as the next Raja Ampat to explore. Although I do not think it's quite at the level of what Raja Ampat, won the diving Mecca to offer the world, certainly do not want to try. With several dive sites on hand, including a house reef, several pinnacles and even a wreck, there are many things to see under water -. Although visibility is only about 5-7 meters was during our visit

not dive when we spent hours frolicking with daylight in clear water, lounging on sunbeds, while the sounds come enjoy thunder from the distant, ominous clouds. Although Cubadak is not exactly isolated - there is a village visible above the water in the distance -. They still like the feeling you're 100 miles from anywhere

evening converged guests and sought protection from monsoon rains in the bar, on the water. Here you can have a tea or alcoholic beverage is offered (wines are also stocked at fair prices), while a traffic jam on one of several guitars Marco to enjoy. WLAN is also available.

Cubadak Paradiso Village by Angela Richardson All meals on the island are taken together, so if you do not like to socialize, this may not be your scene. Breakfast is served from 7.30-11am, lunch at 13:30, and dinner is not until 20.00. The food is delicious, and the busy bees in the kitchen can conjure up gluten-free and vegetarian dishes. Fresh fish is caught and every day together, as we have seen, if the fishing village located in a freshly caught red snapper hungry guests to feed - and the local dog

If you like walking, behind the resort is a great. Hills, enveloped in forest. There is a path that takes you to the top in about 45 minutes to complete - for taking photos a spectacular place. This route is ideal for bird spotting, including colorful kingfishers.

If you are a nature lover and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, you should Cubadak Paradiso Village set on your travel list. It took a whopping eight hours Jakarta back, due to road disturbances and delays, so I would suggest a minimum of three nights relax in truly and take what it has to offer tourists.

Fast Facts: Cubadak Paradiso Village, West Sumatra

  Cubadak map Check:  A 1.20-minute flight over local carrier Garuda Indonesia, Citilink. or Lion Air, followed by a 3-hour drive (organized by Cubadak Paradiso Village) and a short, 10-minute speedboat ride 
  things to do:  diving, snorkel, go for walks in forest, or just relax 
 What to bring .  Sunblock, a good book, diving and snorkelling equipment, pills motion sickness if you are prone to feel nauseous for driving on windy roads. 
  Website:  www.cubadak-paradisovillage.com 

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