The Kangaroo & the Komodo

The Kangaroo & the Komodo - Australia and Indonesia

"Australians of Indonesia remain cautious," recent meeting declared a headline with the eve of the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to bury on the industrial island of Batam the ax over spy row.

There are serious mistrust between the two neighbors? Definitely not between Australians and Indonesians with strong personal or professional links. But most people in the two countries do not have such ties. Suspicions are often based on ignorance and fueled by attention-seeking politician or reporter for a sensational story search.

The recent demands of unease come from a telephone survey of 1,150 Australians in February. It found that 57% view Indonesia's relationship with Australia measured as friendly, while at 52 degrees on a scale of 0 ° (very cold, unfavorable) to 100 ° (very warm, low) Australian heat to Indonesia "feelings thermometer" ,

Most Australians know little or nothing about Indonesia. The media tells occasionally on terrorism, impunity trafficking, natural disasters and drug busts. About a third of Australians think Bali is a separate country. The number was even higher before Schapelle Corby arrest years ago almost 10

When I say Indonesians that I am Australian, is the most common answer I get is. Harry Kewell. He is a recently retired Australian football player who seems to enjoy more fame abroad. Before Harry Kewell, the top answer was Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, and before him, Mick Doohan, a motorcycle racing champion.

At the top political level, the relationship with occasional crises prone Indonesia-Australia, which is necessary for the development of a better understanding. Disputes are generally by consensus without escalation to war threats.


dissolved Indonesian Ambassador to Australia a few times been recalled, but such a measure is to give the impression of tough leadership to the public. If Yudhoyono's second and final term of office is completed in October, Australia is losing one of its best friends. He has been awarded Australia for attempting to tap his phone, although the two countries have yet to formulate a promised "code of conduct espionage". Bilateral relations could be more of a challenge when the former general Prabowo Subianto is elected president, although he has rejected the views of several Indonesian politicians that Australia Papua supports separatism and seeks Indonesian sovereignty hurt.

Some Australians are angry that Indonesia recipient of Australian aid is the largest: over A $ 500 million per year. They feel that Indonesia has become the richest country. Indonesia has foreign exchange reserves of $ 105.560.000.000, compared to Australia forex from just $ 57,360,000,000th also Indonesia's foreign debt amounted to $ 276.500.000.000 in March, while Australia was in debt to $ 1,510,000,000,000th

both countries economies depend heavily on the exploitation of natural resources. The big difference is in per capita income, which averaged $ 3,557 in Indonesia in 2012 and $ 67,442 in Australia. The downside is that the cost of living is much lower in Indonesia, unless you live on the importation of wine and cheese.

There are only about 3,500 Australians operate legally in Indonesia. Most foreign workers here are from China (14,371), then Japan (11,081), South Korea (075), India (6047) and Malaysia (4962). But geography makes the relationship with Australia is crucial.

Australia and Indonesia will continue to suffer from future crises. Disagreements are inevitable, but they can always be discussed with the aim of promoting understanding and friendship.

Australia - Indonesia Diplomacy

Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (R) shakes hands with Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott (L) after a joint statement at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on September 30 began in 2013 Abbott a visit to Indonesia on September 30 to talk about his tough refugee policy, the anger in Jakarta have sparked as confronted his government review of a boat sinking which left dozens dead or missing

Lowlights & Highlights

April 1942 :. In an early act of solidarity with Indonesian workers, the Australian sailor Union goes on strike the treatment of Indonesian sailors protest who were interned for refusing to work on Dutch ships for low wages

September 1945 :. Australian banks Workers' Federation begins a policy to prevent Dutch ships laden with ammunition and supplies from departing to Indonesia. Many Australian unions, the anti-Dutch blockade in the years to come join

July 1947 :. After some ambivalence, Australia recognizes the Republic of Indonesia, limited to Java, Madura and Sumatra. Australia is Indonesia at the United Nations

September 1950 :. Australia cosponsors Indonesia admission to the United Nations

1959 :. Prime Minister Robert Menzies is the first Australian leader to visit Indonesia despite his concern about the growing power of the Communist Party of Indonesia

in January 1962 .: Australia to fall into line with America, returns its support for the continuing Dutch government of West New Guinea. Australia had hoped earlier, the area would eventually unite with Papua New Guinea

March 1965 .: After initial guidance from the conflict, connect Australian troops Commonwealth forces in Borneo unexplained in Indonesia War combat confrontation against Malaysia. Twenty-three Australians killed in the conflict, in 1966 ends after Suharto overturned Sukarno

1969 .: Australia detains two West Papuan eight months to prevent them independence activists who protest against UN Papua installation Indonesia

October 1975 :. five Australia-based TV journalists by Indonesian troops in Balibo, East Timor, they have killed to prevent reporting on Indonesia's invasion of the former Portuguese territory. Indonesia claims that were killed accidentally in crossfire five. Successive Australian governments support the cover-up, not willing to damage risking relations with Indonesia

September 1981 :. fear Indonesia by upsetting, the Australian embassy dismisses aid officer Max Lane, having a stock of Pramoedya Ananta Toer of Forbidden Books, Bumi Manusia , in English

April 1986 :. The Sydney Morning Herald published a front-page article of its Indonesia correspondent David Jenkins, headlined "according to Marcos, now for the Suharto billion" suspend woman of corruption related to Suharto. Indonesia responds by Jenkins expulsion, suspended visas for Australian journalists and the freezing of diplomatic, military and cultural relations. A planeload of Australian tourists refused entry to Indonesia. The Indonesian military accused Australia Looking for Indonesia's international image

to damage February 1988 .: Australian journalist must reopen offices in Indonesia

. November 1991: Indonesian forces massacre at least 250 unarmed East Timorese in a cemetery in Dili. The carnage galvanized solidarity for the people of East Timor's struggle for independence, although the Australian government to continue to support Indonesian sovereignty over the territory

October 1997 :. The Australian newspaper annoys Indonesia by a caricature published representation Suharto as an orangutan trying to wildfires and labeling him an "endangered species"

escaping September 1999. : Australia introduces mandate of the United Nations peacekeeping force in East Timor in response to sprees of Indonesian troops and their militia proxies, to kill by the territory of the independence referendum. The relations hit an all time low

October 02. The terrorist Jemaah Islamiyah network bomb two nightclubs in Bali, killing 202 people, including 88 Australians. The incident leads to anti-terrorism cooperation

March 03 :. Australia endorses the US-led invasion of Iraq, has in protests in front of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta to follow. Radical groups threaten Americans and Australians from Indonesia to sweep

September 04: .. The Australian embassy in Jakarta was bombed by Jemaah Islamiyah terrorists killed nine Indonesians, including the suicide bomber

October 04 Australian Schapelle Corby is for the trial in Bali arrested in 4.2 kg hydroponically grown to smuggle marijuana. She is sentenced to 20 years in prison and released on parole in 2014

January 05: Australia announces a A $ 1 billion aid package for the reconstruction and development in Indonesia after the December 04 earthquake and tsunami killed about 170,000 people in Aceh province

April 05 :. An Australian Navy helicopter crashes while humanitarian aid to earthquake-ravaged levy Nias Island, nine people to kill. The tragedy brings Indonesia and Australia closer

April 05 :. Nine Australians arrested in Bali for trying to smuggle 8.3 kilograms of heroin from Indonesia. You will receive sentences of 20 years to death back

October 05: .. Jemaah Islamiyah bomb killed three locations in Jimbaran and Kuta, Bali, 20 people, including four Australians

March 06: Australia protection visas for 42 Papuans asylum granted, who accused the Indonesian military of genocide. Indonesia urges they be returned and denies there is any repression in Papua. The Rakyat Merdeka runs daily a cartoon showing Australian Prime Minister John Howard and Foreign Minister Alexander Downer as dingoes designs on Papua copulation. The Australian newspaper responded with a caricature than a dog with a Papuan copulating President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono shows. Indonesia recalled its ambassador

November 06: .. Australia and Indonesia signed the Lombok Treaty, the cooperation on security issues and "non-interference in the internal affairs of another"

March 07: Garuda Indonesia flight 0 crashes at Yogyakarta airport, killing 22 people, including five Australians

July 09 :. bombs Jemaah Islamiyah, the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta, killed seven people, including three Australians

June 2011 :. Australia uses live cattle exports to Indonesia after TV footage showing cattle whipped, slashed and plump slaughtered in Indonesian abattoirs

October 2013 :. Australian media release a document leaked by former US National Security Agency contactor Edward Snowden, indicating that Australia is trying to monitor phone calls in 09 by President Yudhoyono in August and his inner circle. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott refuses to apologize, prompting Indonesia to withdraw its ambassador to Australia. One of the chief strategists of Abbott compares Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa at a Filipino porn star. Indonesia freezes military and intelligence cooperation

January 2014 :. Indonesia urges suspension of Australian maritime policy Border Protection to Australia made some of its naval ships "accidental" incursions into Indonesian waters are to

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