A brief history of tobacco

A brief history of tobacco - Old picture of a tobacco farm

tobacco was first cultivated in the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Andes, from where it spread to the north and south until it covered most of America. After "discovery" by Christopher Columbus, the plant ensures addictive properties that the rest of the world was conquered rather easily.

The significance of Columbus among the plurality of navigators and explorers of the Age of Discovery (the two centuries from the beginning 1400-10 AD) is such that a summary of its origin and benefits is justified here. Born in 1450 in the Republic of Genoa, Italy, Columbus was an Italian navigator and colonizer. In 1485 he presented his plan a western route to Asia (and requesting support for these companies) to open to the court of Portugal. he is after (in Portugal) rejected influenced successively the citizens of Genoa and Venice, and Henry VII of England with the same request, but was rejected by all. He then approached Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, who had partnered by her marriage many kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula and ruled jointly. Finally, after endless petitions and two years of negotiations, he succeeded in January 1492; Ferdinand II would support him.

According to historian Edmund Morgan, Columbus had more than astronomy, geography and history, including the works of Claudius Ptolemy, the travels of Marco Polo and Sir John Mandeville, read and Pliny Natural History . he knew that the earth was spherical and was convinced that he would reach the India sailing able to west.

His travels had led a tremendous impact on the development of the western world and with the American continent on the first permanent European contact. It also resulted in the exploration, conquest and exchange of goods and products that changed both the Old and the New World in the lives, lifestyles and habits. The cultures of the latter region, which were introduced in Europe, include corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, pepper, cassava, pumpkin, rice, barley, oats, coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, citrus, melons, bluegrass and peanuts, while subsequent waves the settlers brought wheat, radishes, chickpeas, melons, horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and chickens from Europe.

and tobacco was, of course, another product which from America to Europe.

from a patriarchal perspective, the poor fellow had been addicted seduced apparently by tobacco. Lads, you hear, whether it is an apple or dried tobacco leaves, always ask first; Why?

was offered on his first voyage, Columbus dried tobacco leaves as a gift from the local population. He has not to smoke, but two of his crew members, Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres, had developed a liking for it after native Americans see the dried leaves in a pipe to plug and ignite it. Jerez continues to develop the habit and led tobacco in his hometown of Ayamonte.

The smoke supposedly frightened some of its neighbors, which in the Spanish Inquisition him for his use of the "devil's weed" imprison so Jerez the first victims of anti-tobacco laws and its neighbors, the first passive smokers to Second -hand smoke contradict. He spent seven years in prison to be released only if smoking had become an accepted activity in Spain.

The main reason for the growing popularity of tobacco in Europe was its healing properties to. Europeans believed that tobacco could cure almost everything from bad breath to cancer. In 1571, a Spanish doctor Nicolas Monardes, wrote a book that alleges tobacco could cure 36 health problems. During this time tobacco was so popular that it was often used as money. several people, however, began to realize that the smoking of tobacco some dangerous effects. In 1610, Sir Francis Bacon, for example, that the habit was really hard trying to quit.

And gradually more and more scientists began the chemicals in tobacco, and to understand the dangerous health effects of smoking. In the 1950s, emerging evidence that smoking to lung cancer was. The tobacco industry, however, denied such health hazards and promoted new "safer" products as those with lower tar and filtered cigarettes.

In the 1980s, smoking was politically incorrect, and smoking is not only prohibited in many public places in the United States, but also on all domestic flights lasting less than two hours. You may remember the decade of President Ronald Reagan was. But during his film and TV years he seemed an entirely different opinion about the accuracy to have had, and in retrospect this ad will have repented.

In Indonesia, tobacco by the Dutch in the mid-19th [wasintroduced th century. And now, in 2014, smoking is still the growth of the industry, it was five or six decades in Europe and the United States, although more and more offices and shopping centers and smoking in their premises are to be prohibited. Many restaurants are in arrears and at best have partitioned ineffective no-smoking sections only.

Indonesia has one of the highest smoking rates in the world. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS): Indonesia Report 2011 around 67% of adult men and 4.5% of adult women are actively smoking. For the men, a 24% increase over 1995 and a nearly threefold increase in the rate for women -. 1995 54% of men and 1.7% of women were addicted

No wonder then that the National Social Economic Survey shows that poor households 19% of their income on basic food and 11% on tobacco, but only 2 spending% for education and 3% on health care.

and even more disturbing, the steadily rising smoking rate among child smokers (aged 5 to 9)., Which multiplied by six times since 1995 to 426,000

government revenue from tobacco taxes in 2011, around US $ 7.6 billion, more than twice as many as in 05 would, together with the millions of jobs in growing and tobacco processing, it has a clear government policy on tobacco and smoking, such as actively restrict their smoking revenue and increase to reduce the number of under and unemployment. was

as a result of Indonesia very well spent $ 235 million spent on advertising in 2011, include powerful tobacco industry that the US and confidently look forward to a few golden years, as a crackdown on the industry's highly unlikely.

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