Development and Shifting Cultures: The Papuans Koteka

Development and Shifting Cultures: The Papuans Koteka - The Yali

you have some photos on the internet about British photographer, saw Jimmy Nelson new project is created before they pass - Nelson visited and photographed 29 remote tribes to document, before disappearing traditions. Three strains were from Indonesia - the Dani and Yali of Baliem Valley in the mountains of central Papua and West Papua Korowai

I recently saw the culture of the Dani and Yali tribes in Baliem Valley Festival .. Instead every year in August. on the mountain slopes, the people from across the valley gathered in traditional clothes and performed dances and mock war reenactments

Perhaps the most iconic and essential item of clothing worn by the Dani and Yali men is koteka or penis gourd. the koteka often seem now is dangling from the walls and has become an exotic souvenir for many tourists, who visited Papua. But what exactly is the koteka and why it from Papua rich cultural heritage disappears?

In the 1960s, anthropologist Karl Heider spent 27 months directing fieldwork about the people of Baliem Dugum Dani. His goal of neutral observation brought him into conflict with some Europeans and Americans, who had moved to the Grand Valley after 1954, and tried to change the Dani way of life - they promote suspected Heider war aspects, to make a film. Warfare between tribes was common and conflicts often arose over property rights (land and pigs) or about women.

The Dani These times were not for the faint hearted and Michael Rockefeller, who helped record the film dead birds about the Dani, was in November 1961 during his Asmat expedition lost - his 40 -foot canoe overturned about 12 miles from the coast and it is believed that he drowned, though his body was never found. The journalist, Milt Machlin speculated imaginatively that the young Rockefeller heirs victim was still practiced in a tit-for-tat revenge killings against outsiders, in a region where cannibalism and headhunting were.

At times, after reading Heider anthropological notes in of Dugum Dani , it felt like I Middle Earth had stumbled in Tolkien - the descriptions were truly breathtaking

Heider explained that every Dani boys aged six years. would wear a penis gourd. "Pumpkins are grown nearby compounds and are carefully shaped as they grow. The vine is a framework training which it considers to about 1.5 meters above the ground. If a long straight is desired gourd, is a stone weighing up to end of the gourd tied it stand out. Later, when a curve or curl desired, the pumpkin is bent to the horizontal, or turned upside down and lashed to the frame ... "

" when a pumpkin on the desired size has grown, cut off its peaks - it is over coals roasted shell and soften, harden the meat - the meat is gouged with a bamboo knife, the outer skin is scraped off, and the pumpkin will be carefully packed and hung behind the fire the men's house to dry. "

"Everyone has a wardrobe of several sizes and shapes of pumpkins, he wears alternately. It is conceivable that a man his pumpkin takes on his mood of the day, but I found no evidence."

"the loud snap of the pumpkin by the fingernail of forefinger punctuates the dramatic communications the flick has the same connotation as the word naijuk -. I'm afraid I'm impressed, wow"

When I through hiked Baliem Valley, boots and a jacket wearing one thing, to keep warm, the amazed me was the sight of the older men, the steep tracks climbing only a koteka wear to keep warm! A local policeman who visit me invited Wamena Museum, also this mystery was confused and Dani had just covered observed their ears, or hold their hands under the armpits, where it was warmer - and even if it snowed, they would still the koteka wear the policeman allowed us to have a look!

Although the museum was closed. The elements were organically and hard to get - some were crumbling. Heider also described elements of the incredibly fragile Dani culture - "A large spider, called muligak , almost a third pet of Dani, together with the pig and dog These spiders are collected in the forest and to the. placed connections, where they construct elaborate webs on the frame. the webs, felted in tissues for Mr. caps and magic strips hung from the neck used. "

Two Dani men watch the Cooking of pig meat and sweet potatoes

the main forms of decoration were mud, feathers, fur and pig fat, all of which were difficult to obtain. I noticed this decoration in Baliem Valley Festival and watched the bright colors of the Yali - their war dance was full of music, giant guitars and everyone was dancing. However, according to the Dani villages trekking on, I soon realized that only older generations wore traditional elements such as the koteka. The young and middle-aged wore Western clothes and Rastafari "Bob Marley" culture appeared in Wamena town adopted.

In these high mountain regions, the development is difficult, and I saw many Dani climbers sacks to mie in the villages as well as a group that supported the steep slope cement bags and a toilet up! Tourism has reached the region and the economy of Wamena city is changing - this in turn has changed the dynamics of the Baliem. WWF are currently involved in an eco-tourism project which allow locals to share their knowledge about the nature and use this wisdom to earn their living to share,

But Photographer Jimmy Nelson is an important point - , These cultures disappear. Education, health and development have these remote regions and villages now as Hitugi in Baliem have to achieve their own school, but exposure to the outside world brings change. Perhaps to find a balance between retaining culture and development, is the key - although this issue is so complex, I would not like to draw any conclusions. But as long as events like the Baliem Valley Festival allow communities gather, remember their heritage and share it with others, there is hope that the culture will not forget.

Learn more

Jimmy Nelson Photo:

Karl G. Heider The Dugum Dani : A Papuan culture in the highlands of West New Guinea (1970) Chicago: Aldine Publishing

film by Robert Gardner: dead birds (1963)

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