USS Liberty, Tulamben

USS Liberty, Tulamben -

USS Liberty

Strong rashes usually are a danger to the people of the near the volcano live. In 1963, the eruption of Mount Agung, the holy mountain of Bali, killing more than 1,500 people and destroyed several villages.

In the midst of all this destruction, it happened that an abandoned ship before ground was from the fishing village of Tulamben, and the lava from Mount Agung flows pulled it from the coast, it sink a few meters from the beach to make. The ship has since the Second World War, when it was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine to bring while in Lombok navigate a cargo of railway parts and rubber.

Certainly no one at that time itself could imagine that this ship would the USS Liberty, one of the major tourist attractions of the island 40 years later. Located in the northeast of Bali, Tulamben is still a remote village, but now, almost every day, hundreds of divers from all over the world to dive the USS Liberty, due to its strategic location, easy accessibility for beginners and impressive underwater world that have colonized the wreck.

To tell the truth, the ship is very far from intact. It was broken into many pieces and sometimes "purists" of wreck diving dislike this. But swimming between the plates of the vessel allows divers hatches, winches, to see weapons, and also the conductor. If you are lucky, you can even see pygmy seahorse, a large group of mackerel, Bumphead parrotfish, barracuda and nudibranch. A friend of a friend so lucky a whale shark and sunfish (the famous mola mola) hovering over the wreck to see. My suggestion is easy to take with Bintang or ask your doctor about nitrogen narcosis effects.

What nobody says is that the USS Liberty Wreck is usually FULL of divers. And I do not mean by 20 or 30 people. I mean, it can be up to 100 divers in the same dive site. Bearing in mind that the ship is about 150 meters long, it may mean that there is a diver every two meters of the vessel. Concerned? Jump in the morning, long before the barbarian hordes trippers from South Bali the beach about falling into the water at about 6 pm Many dive Tulamben have found the solution. Sometimes it happens that many dive centers in the region have the same idea, so you definitely have a lot of dive, but at least with sleepy divers who usually swim slowly. When you finally emerge from the dive, at 08.00, you can already see with tanks filling beach, T-seller, Balinese tank upside down, sometimes (seriously) to bring even two simultaneously.

It's time to relax a little, to have breakfast and for another dive site ready: There are many around the wreck, most of them are dirt diving, and world-class muck diving in my opinion after. It's incredible how I made in each individual dive in Tulamben I always some animal species have photographed not officially described by science. Again serious!

Anyway, diving in the USS Liberty is an experience that should not be missed. If you choose the right time and the right guide, you will be impressed by the diversity of life, surrounding the wreck. And maybe you can have a strange experience underwater wedding of witnesses or anyone diving with a banner to celebrate their 100th dive.


Diver Stereotypes

A wide variety of divers populate the Tulamben beach. Normally their origin is easy to distinguish from their habits

1) The Japanese .: responsible for the presence of the wreck (a Japanese submarine torpedoed the ship), they do not seem to regret it. They always colorful wetsuits: red, yellow, orange or white are the dominant colors. In general they have funny hoods with devils, dragon tail or dog's ears

2) The Indonesians . Since diving is a popular activity in Indonesia to be, want many divers from all over the country come to dive the Liberty wreck. They usually have shiny new equipment, huge underwater cameras, the top-end model of each piece

3) Singaporeans .: technology freaks, usually they bring their latest model underwater cameras even in the shower. New iPhone underwater housing they can share their photos directly to Facebook of the sea from the surface. Cool lah

4) The Russians: You do not care about the wreck. They just want to see sharks, possibly aggressive. Do not try to tell them, they can see a pygmy, unless you are ready this last week that pygmies to swear seahorses almost killed one of your friends

5) Americans. "? Really, I can not pay for this t-shirt at the beach with my credit card"

6) the Italians: do not care what they have to appear cool. wearing colorful wetsuits is absolutely not an option; it does not fit with the fins. Normally she likes the wreck, but they are more interested in where they can have a good lunch

7) The French .: easy to distinguish because they complain about something. Mainly because they are wearing socks instead boots and rocks on the beach painful. But they will always find something to complain about.

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