Lost Island Savu

Lost Island Savu - stones-2 cropped

on his first trip to the South Pacific, Captain James Cook on Savu moored gone, an island that has appeared on none of his charts, and remained for five days. As geographer, Koch was the urge not resist to map the entire island, and ordered his ship, the Endeavour, the west coast moored to the island.

has not only set cooking Savu on charts, but he also collected information about their physical layout, the residents and their social organization and livelihood. For a long time Cook remained magazine the most important source of information on the island. The breadth and depth of the data and information collected is truly amazing though is that Cook was accompanied by the naturalist and botanist Joseph Banks, the naturalist and physician Daniel Solander, the astronomer Charles Green, and four artists need to be reminded.

[1945006AufSavu] they took a specific description of the island of Savu, its products and inhabitants, with a sample of their language, Chapter IX - Book III, James Cook, a report on the visits for discoveries in the southern hemisphere .

to make the routes of Captain James Cook's voyages. The first trip is shown in red, second in green, and the third in blue

Cook was apparently an enthusiastic and very interested observer. He notes that the dress of both sexes from cotton cloth is [which] they produce themselves ... and two pieces to make each about two meters long and a meter and a half wide a dress: one of them worn round the middle and the other covers the upper part of the body . Then he adds that , the difference between the dress of both sexes, especially in the way is the waist-piece bears .

It is quite interesting to note that was made 0 years after this observation, had not changed the dress code, which is most likely due to the long-term isolation of the island.

I 40 years ago there was went to take a ride on a mission Air Service aircraft hitchhiking. Savu has recently returned from subdistrict to kabupaten level has been raised. The district consists of three islands: Rai Hawu (Savu), Rai Jua and the uninhabited Rai Dana rai is the word for the island in the national language

The island of is strong. arid beauty. Cook it seemed to have impressed. Later, however, visitors less so - the missionary J. K. Wijngaarden, for example, described it as "a piece of stone in a vast sea." The main rain falls from November to March; during the long dry season dry most of the rivers and water must be drawn from the few remaining wells. The island is covered for the most part in the grassland, coconut and fan palms, with some stands of tamarind, citrus and mangoes. Rice and mung beans are also grown.

Particularly noteworthy is the fan palm are made, or Lontar. Every part of this palm tree is used - the tribe for the construction of houses and bridges, while the leaves are made into roofing materials, buckets and musical instruments. But the primary use of Lontar is the juice that in Cooks words is ... procured from this tree by cutting the buds, the flowers are to produce, soon after its release, and bind them under small baskets the leaves to keep as close as fluids without leaking .

, the liquid is a common drink on the island, and during the season type, morning and evening collected. In addition to drink, the fluid is condensed into syrup or coarse sugar. During the dry season when other crops are scarce, the syrup is mixed, the main food for the population and with rice hulls, for their cattle.

Koch mentions the ceremonial stones, which he saw on a hill near Seba, the current capital of the district and the bay where Cook anchored. Koch compared these megaliths of Stonehenge and took them to be built monuments of former rulers. He also wondered how the stones were erected there: Many of the stones are so large that it is difficult to comprehend by what means they were brought to their present station, especially as it is on the top of a hill .

Traditional Ikat clothes in Savu

I also visited the stones and had to read harvest of Palm , James J . Fox that these stones are, in fact, sacrificial altars of the priests of Seba.

Savu territorial parts their rulers are not identified, but by their priestly order. The Deo Rai, the Lord of the earth, is the highest rank, and the descendant of the sun, Apu Lodo, ​​is in second place. Its tasks are to conduct the ceremonies associated with agriculture and development cycles. In Seba, for instance, that Deo Rai is identified with the mung bean and Apu Lodo with rice, while in Liae the former is responsible for the entire agricultural season and the Apu Lodo for Lontar cutting season.

[1945006beimeinemBesuch] I met with the Apu Lodo Seba and I took the opportunity to ask him about the stones, and in particular how the stones were brought on this hill. His answer was a very decisive and unwavering: "My ancestors, the stones from the sea called"

I have the stones as a backdrop for a photo shoot on the island Ikat textiles, following the example of the girls I had during the previous night welcome dances pointed to camat . To speak Another example of call-power so, although it's not the girl heard of a complaint loud and say it. For the home after they found nearly two hours


For those who are not familiar with ikat go the winding is dyed in the desired pattern before it is placed on the loom. A tie-dye technique, in fact, and when the substance is said to have more than one color, this has to be repeated for each color. Consequently, the entire process of dying of weaving, can take up to four months.


Hotel Rai Hawu, Km.14 Desa Eilode, Savu Tengah. Simple, no frills accommodation.
A recent visitor to the island recommended as soon as you get off the plane, just ask someone where to stay and someone is shooting immediately.

How to get there
Take the ferry from Kupang, Timor, or of Waingapu, Sumba.

What do
Savu many pristine white sand beaches. Surfers usually come to Uba Ae beach in Mesara. This beach is known as a venue for the public.

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