Birth certificates

Birth certificates - Street Kids
Street Kids


When Fanta, a four-year-old girl with her family in West Jakarta under the toll road molesting lived, wanted to Jakarta police to find the perpetrators and bring him to justice; they could not do it.

This may sound crazy, but Fanta simply does not exist, at least not on paper, and definitely not in the eyes of the law. You have no birth certificate or a real form of proper identification. This means that when volunteers from Sahabat Anak, a local organization established to help street children, protect them to the police station took ad reimburse the investigation to a staggering halt came, found as authorities, Fanta not technically exist.

"their parents do not have the funds to all the necessary steps they go through to obtain a birth certificate," said Frisca Hutagalung. "Your family, who live in the village, but her father brought everyone to Jakarta and he tried to find work. It also used to be one fine, you had to pay to obtain a birth certificate if the child more than 60 days was old. But the old penalty was abolished. not everyone knows. We need to spread the word. "

to date, it still does not have a birth certificate. She has not yet.

"You have five pieces of identification, to begin the process of obtaining a birth certificate," explains Frisca who sits on the board of Sahabat Anak. "Many of the parents of these children do not have marriage certificates or ID card (KTP), so that makes it impossible to obtain a birth certificate."

These children are punished a fundamental human right denied for something they have no control over.

The numbers are staggering. One study found that more than 60 percent of Indonesian children under five have no birth certificate, perhaps as many as two million children. Without birth certificates, these children got a difficult time for medical treatment, to enroll in school, not to mention finally to get a decent job. Without a birth certificate children are not eligible for free public school, unable a KTP or apply to get a job.

If the numbers are correct, correct this fundamental human has about 50 million to about Indonesian denied land. This means that the real population is sitting somewhere near 298 million. To put things in perspective, there are 50 million people in South Korea live, dwells the entire population of Spain around 46 million euros.

"It is really very complicated. We need to go in that office, and this office then the process to move along," explains Frisca. "It must be, to obtain a one-stop shop for parents birth certificates for their children. And the government must provide the public with politics. We need to learn the new rules. No one knows the politics. We want a dialogue with the to have government, so we can use the policy and spread the word learn. "

More generally, the lack of a birth certificate stuck amounts to a life sentence in the poverty cycle. Parents who are no birth certificates to three times more likely to have children who do not have birth certificates, which show that a lack of legal personality is passed down from generation to generation. A mixture of circumstances make this impossible for most of these families to make these documents available -. Lack of resources and awareness, the documents in the first place and misplaced, because to get no access to secure documents, save the documents

[1945011dasist] when Scott Hanna and Mustika Harpsono decided to gather their friends and come up with a brilliant way to raise awareness of the issue of birth certificates. Hanna owns and operates CrossFit Bengkel, home to some of the most driven and focused gym rats in Jakarta. Scott called fitness enthusiasts throughout Jakarta to get sweaty for a good cause come June 14

Meanwhile, Mustika a recent college graduate and avid volunteer convinced Hanna and CrossFit team to hold a side event on the same day people who were not exactly inclined to join a workout. Mustika was smart enough to jump to the other side of the spectrum, when it came to their campaign, #BakeADifference, held in the basement Bengkel the same day as the Tribute Training.

"Why? Why does #BakeADifference birthday?" Asks Mustika which recruited more than 20 birthday cake and a cup of enthusiasts. "I want people to think about the 50 million children who are denied without birth certificates, their identity, their basic human rights. Many of us forget how" lucky "we are not to be born in poverty. What have these children a to deserve such inequality? They were just born. "

with Local Food Writer, chef and author of" Papaya flower, "Petty Elliot the way, renowned worldwide as Turkuaz, Astrid Suryatenggara, Passionee Bread & pastries, 5sis Bakes and twelve cupcakes have strengthened and offered to donate baked goods are sold to Bengkel day of training.

Everything culminates on Saturday to raise funds and awareness June 14 these children to help get birth certificates. There are two activities to come the day of money: to bake a Charity Fundraiser training and a charity auction. Whether you are looking for the best cupcakes in town, or get rid of your muffin tops, the day has something for everyone and all for a good cause.

"We know that we not have this problem in a solution day," said Scott Hanna, one of the organizers of the event. "But we want to create dynamic awareness to spread and generate resources to support the process to move to a solution. These children deserve a chance to go to school and work for a better life."

How Frisca explains the key, the public is now check in to giving money to street children and to convince the parents to go to their local Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (office of population and civil Registration) and birth certificates for their to have children. Funds will be raised at the June 14 events will be used to educate parents and provide birth certificates for children in emergency situations.

The event starts at 14.00 on Saturday, June 14 th at Bengkel Crossfit, The fairground buildings, SCBD Lot 14, Jendral Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta, Indonesia 1210th sponsors and partners are still needed, please e-mail: if you are interested to get involved

[[1945011updated] to learn more, to help spread the word and keep , visit these links:!/events/702081479849979/

"Dylan" Tribute workout: angkat to help Anak Indonesia
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