Going Green on the slopes of Gunung Salak

Going Green on the slopes of Gunung Salak - A waterfall in the surrounding areas of Portibi Farm

This may sound as if I'm doing it, but did you know it's possible a weekend far from Jakarta to spend in the hills of Sundanese landscape without having to get into a car or hours languishing in bumper to bumper traffic? All that is needed is a little planning. But first, let me tell you about the magical place, and then I'll be on the secret of how to get there.

In the foothills of the extinct volcano Gunung Salak, and not far from the town of Sukabumi, is a small place called Cicurug. There, a few kilometers into the mountains is a farm called Portibi. But Portibi is not just any old farm; it is an organic farm, the realization of a dream of a young Californian with a love for Indonesia. You may wonder: How does a Bule from California end on the side of a volcano in West Java to the top? The farm is a joint venture between Jocean Bowler, from central California, and its original Indonesian homestay. Having arrived in the early 00s in Indonesia, decided Jocean and his hosts Portibi 04 to set up a carnation farm to its full potential has not been used on a 15-hectare hillside. Putting aside his master's thesis on land use in Indonesia, Jocean realized that he had an important task. Living with an emphasis on the environment in harmony and not take away than given back so Jocean is to a farmhouse that would flavors endemic preserve natural beauty, and local craftsmanship, which is Indonesia in danger, in his haste lose direction modernity. He created a hiding place far from the city with inspiration from Sunda past, complemented everything works with some touch of modern technology.

picking your own organic produce at Portibi Farms [1945011LodgesEkologikabeiPortibiFarm]

Today is still a work in progress. Although the main living areas are complete, including a sumptuous dining room, a large kitchen, a pacifist Cannibal Lounge only three hectares are currently cultivated. The farm can accommodate up to 30 people in a distributed collection of bungalows and with largely recycled wood from old buildings cabins. Some of the cottages are traditional Sundanese rice barns disassembled and assembled in the yard. All are lit with solar energy; Solar cells soak up the rays of the sun during the day, and then shed the light back through light bulbs at night. But nature has its limitations: If you leave the lights for too long, they run out of juice. A well-stocked bar is located in the lounge, the place to hang out. It also contains a collection of board games, strumming books, music mostly from the 1970s and 80s, and a guitar for anyone with an urge.

The price of staying in Portibi three healthy meals a day, all of which seek to make good use of the farm organic products. But fear not, Jocean still like a good steak or fish fillet. An excellent cook, Jocean and his well-trained team, the most natural and tasty dishes with influences from all over the world throw. And there is an excellent wine list, if you want to wash it down with something special, like a full-bodied Italian red. You may be organic pioneers, but they like to live well in Portibi.

One of the must-dos while in Portibi to go around the property on a walk. Visit. The workers and perhaps learn about what they grow and give them a hand planting or collect a basket of rocket leaves or parsley for dinner You can also buy all the greens you collect to take home can pick up.

Do not forget to take in the nature that you-the insects, the birds, the sounds surrounding odors. But beware of the crawler; beautiful creatures as they may be, but they can leave you with the itchiest of rashes. They are to the butterflies can not miss here are striking and reason to visit enough Portibi; tropical varieties as large as the hand flit from plant to plant. If you are really keen on farming side of things, then Portibi is also a member of WWOOFing organization that stands on Organic Farms for Willing Workers Opportunities. WWOOFers can spend three weeks or more at the farm with free accommodation and food if they, by contributing each day a decent day's work. [1945006bisindenHalimunNationalpark] If you feel

property Portibi

a little adventurous, there is a large jungle trek, which is up on the slopes of Mount Salak. The trail leads to Citaman waterfall and rock pool where, if you wish, you can jump in for a dip. The walk takes 1.5 hours to the waterfall. If you are in more strenuous hikes or even expeditions to the summit of Gunung Salak (good 5 hour climb), this can also be arranged with a little advance planning.

And now the secret bit. Believe it or not, Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI), the Indonesian railway company, has revitalized a trail in the mountains of Bogor. The train is going to Sukabumi and then continue all the way to Cianjur. It's about an hour drive from Bogor Cicurug, the next stop on the farm and when the weather is clear, can a breathtaking view of the summit of Gunung Salak and Gede offer. The three trains per day are in high demand, especially on weekends, so it is to book crucial online in advance. The train from Jakarta to Bogor is easy, but then you will have about 400 meters to go from the main station to an adjacent smaller station, leave from where the trains to Sukabumi.

So what are you waiting for now that the secret from? Go Green in Portibi!

Just call the court at (0266) 257 7115 or email info@portibi.com to make a reservation, and then book the train, the so-called Pangrango on KAI website at www.tiketkai.com.

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