Food for Thought

Food for Thought - How-Greed-Changed-Paradise

In this 21st century, Bali is rarely referred to as paradise. Aldous Huxley in the middle of the 20th century wrote a book entitled "The Iceland", in which he describes a utopian paradise of communities on a beautiful island paradise. He wrote about Bali. Despite centuries trade associations with foreigners and colonization by the Dutch, Bali remained basically the same. Until the mid-eighties, Bali was an island paradise, far from the polluted, modern ways of the West. Foreigners, even after decades living here, living in the prevailing culture and respects the nature of the country and its people.

When a particular group of travelers and surfers came in the seventies and eighties, they came here to live a simple life. Bamboo huts on the beach with sandy soils were considered a luxury for simplicity and its proximity to nature. The lack of electricity in Bali all the more magical. A dinner party was to gather a dozen people who share a meal. Torches were lit and music was possible with the batteries in a cassette player with speakers. Larger parties meant to get a car battery for sounds. Some restaurants like Blue Ocean and made that had power and served jaffles, juices and other Western cuisine. Enough to delight the palate. But it was obviously not enough.

The dirty old Dutch kerosene lamps gave way to "clean" electricity. Everyone had to have it, and it was magic. With electricity could be seen in the night; not the stars, but what was otherwise desires. A refrigerator, a real oven, hot water, and why not a TV? Bring one for Wayan also. The first TV shows were here the Flintstones and the A-Team, which was followed by a rash of burglaries; a couple where the victims were tied. Where to put all of these elements here dragged through happy travelers! In a house of your own where curious locals are able banned. The issue of ownership has emerged. People from other countries began to covet me and what they could not buy. So they settled for long-term leases. It was them, and they had paid for it. They started calling options to extend, because they now invested. And all the good foreigners to know has to grow an investment yields a profit. It's natural, it's only fair. All the work for their own comfort must be written in any gross profit.

Kuta Traffic Jam The people began to covet what was to have comfort to Bali, they took for granted back home here in paradise. Of course, that the animal would follow consumption meant, and it has. The animal grew ... dirt roads were paved in black. Streets were lit and goods at all hours displayed. Now business was at night people do, and then go at all hours to 66 and Gado Gado. Some of these old travelers are still in business in order to maintain the lifestyle and comfort they deserve.

The food was a big deal. How long can you go without a big juicy steak and some fries? It was fabulous when 66 Put in an Italian restaurant, and then a number of lovely little cafes emerged at Rum Jungle Road; Thai food, a great French restaurant, a natural café. From Warung was not enough and restaurants benefit. runs on visa to Singapore, these lovers would of Bali taken McDonalds. arrived McDonalds in Bali, there were some grumblings, but also many customers. With the easy to use highways that run sporadically throughout the island, here come the fast food restaurants. Starbucks, Burger King, Dunkin 'Donuts are all here to stay. The Balinese do not waived. You do not blessed. Rather, the gluttony, created the misplaced desires of foreigners a market for these corporate food vendors. Indonesians saw as a symbol of prosperity, cool places of western tastes. On an island where obesity was rarely, if ever, now chubby children and adults are seen not an uncommon sight. On an island where once there was little malnutrition, now it is a big problem.

Unfortunately poverty create wealth and consumption. Cheap labor is expected. Food prices skyrocket. Rice fields disappear and cement buildings rise housing more mega stores for all imported and local food, furniture, computers, cars and other necessities required by consumers. This requires that all the more power.

If the people who live in the suburbs today all over Bali complain about the excessive traffic and the dirty beaches full of plastic, they should probably look for a moment out of their day and inward. Why did you come here? Have you come here to experience the magic of Bali? If so, what are sequestered in a villa here alone in your pool, one of more than a thousand in Canggu alone. This was the island where you never saw hunger. Where happy Balinese taught us every day what was important in life. This is where we learned so happy with so little. There is little satisfaction in the eyes of the newcomers when they land in Bali. Tourists express disappointment. They do not understand why the Balinese would allow such rabid growth.

The Balinese had little to do with it. The rice farmer did not understand compound interest, when he borrowed against his country. He wanted his children to go to school, perhaps a new motorcycle. But not this. Who has luck, become rich, for a while. Now you can even a pembantu have for about the same you paid thirty years ago ... a little more than one hundred dollars per month. About the same as a Westerner spends in a supermarket in one visit. Food prices have gone for the locals. Indonesians spend 40% of their income on food. That's staple food. That's thinking. Think about how you live, and who benefits. It's not the Balinese.

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