Accessible Travel: Deaf Guides Bali

Accessible Travel: Deaf Guides Bali - Deaf Guides of Bali

Indonesia's population is estimated at 240 million and the number of children with hearing impairment is estimated that more than two million. Deafness in childhood has an immense impact on communication, education, employment and quality of life, and yet deafness has received little attention in health development arena. A Balinese man spreads awareness in Bali. Wahyu Cahyadi is deaf, and works as a driver and guide for other deaf and hearing impaired.

In 09, Jonas Noser again visit Bali from his native Switzerland for his death Balinese friend Wahyu Cahyadi clearly wanted a decent living to earn. Noser soon made it possible for other deaf people, without the communication to attend the hearing world obstacles a foreign country. Since then, 100 travel enthusiasts advantage of the tours have taken and the demand increases.

Deaf Guides

Wahyu Cahyadi Wahyu was born in Ruteng, Flores, where he attended primary school for deaf in Ruteng from 1991 to 1999. Thereafter, Wahyu and his family moved to Bali, where he searches for another six years at a school for the deaf in Jimbaran. After high school, he computer technology in 05 at the Technical University in Denpasar studied until 09. During this time Wahyu communicates with faculty of sign language or lip reading.

Bali Deaf leader offers hearing-impaired people, friends and all those who spend their holidays in Bali attracts into consideration for deaf people. By offering deaf guides who are familiar with sign language, many more tourists can enjoy barrier-free travel. A local guide will open a new world deaf visitors, including the island's history and lifestyle. Not the grandeur of the Balinese culture to mention. With the help of Deaf Guides Bali, a trip to an exotic country can come to life, through the conversations hand of their leader, thanks to the world of international sign language.

Foreign tourists

Foreign Tourists was Wahyu a tour guide, after talking with many deaf foreign tourists who were his school for the deaf in Jimbaran visit. The taxi driver and hear leaders brought them to the school for the deaf, but it was clearly hard and difficult to communicate to guests. Wahyu was asked, "Do you know a deaf driver and deaf leaders?" So the decision was made that if Wahyu studies are done, he would be a self-employed drivers and deaf leaders. And in 09, he started on this journey.

Wahyu job is challenging. He decided on international sign language in Australia to learn and studied hard to master all aspects of sign language to communicate with each guest well. The problem is that the sign language is different in every country in the world, and even within the same country, there are large regional dialects. Most deaf tourists from Australia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Norway, France, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, China and Canada. And the tours cover favorite spots like the monkey forest and rice terraces in Ubud, volcano Mount Agung, Pura Besakih, Pura Tirta Empul, Pura Tanah Lot, Pura Uluwatu, Turtle Park, waterfall Gitgit, white sandy beaches, the school for the deaf in Jimbaran deaf village in Bengkala ,

Bengkala Sign language

Although Indonesia has a form of sign language, many teachers are not familiar with the language, and therefore is not generally taught children. Kata Kolok (literally "numb talk"), also known as Bengkala sign language and Balinese Sign Language, is a village sign language, which is native to two neighboring villages in northern Bali. The main town, Bengkala is, for more than seven generations experienced high incidence of deafness and is well adapted.

Kata Kolok is unrelated to spoken Balinese and lacks specific contact sign often arise when a sign language and an oral language are in close contact, such as finger spelling and mouthing. Signers make extensive use of the compass and real-world locations, the signing of organizing space, and they do not use more than a metaphorical "timeline" for time reference. Deaf people in the village to express particular cultural forms as deaf dance and martial art is used. The sign language was acquired by at least five generations of deaf, native signers and functions in all aspects of village life, including religion.

awareness of the importance

In developing countries such as Indonesia, children with hearing loss and deafness rarely get an education. Adults with hearing loss also have a much higher unemployment rate. Among those who are employed, a higher percentage of people with hearing loss are in the lower classes of employment. The awareness does increase employment rates and promote early detection.

Last but not least, the days of the hearing challenged travel get better now. While in Bali, you can visit one of the schools for the deaf and give back to the young children of this island. Wahyu so your trip more interesting and relax Deaf guides with in their country to take care of your trip. He will explain the finer details of the social, culture and history of the island in sign language to you! Did you do an itch some more trips this winter? can

Taub and tourists hear Wahyu about his e-mail contact ( ) or Facebook page.

Bali Deaf Guide

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