30 places in Indonesia Dive

30 places in Indonesia Dive - 30 Places to Dive in Indonesia

the Indonesian archipelago , with thousands of kilometers of coral reefs, pristine remote islands and a enormous biodiversity, one of the best destinations for diving in the world.

to the 30 best dive sites in Indonesia listing is a challenge because some areas are still very poor explored, but here is the list of dive sites is that I recommend you visit.


Sumatra is usually not a dream destination for divers as often its coastal waters from the river of mud quiet and sand from the rivers come. But the little paradise of Pulau Weh, north of Banda Aceh, is an extraordinary exception.

1.Batee Tokong (Pulau Weh Sumatra)
A giant coral pinnacle 20 minutes from Pulah Weh. Currents, sometimes strongly, bringing nutrients to the reef and coral life is amazing where gorgonians, soft and hard corals, can thrive. One area that Batee Tokong is called Shark Plateau -. You can imagine why

2. The Canyon (Pulau Weh Sumatra)
Another coral pinnacle with an interesting geological feature; the top of the rock is divided into two parts, creating a deep canyon, where divers can enjoy an exciting experience especially during drift dives.


Java does not offer much in terms of diving. Sealing populated, it is almost impossible to find a diving center with the exception of ones in Jakarta and Pulau Seribu base. Although these islands are not the best for diving, they are worth a mention, as they are easily accessible from the capital.

3. Papa Theo wreck (Pulau Seribu Java)
Papa Theo was a ship that was sunk in 1982. The ship, about 20 meters long an easy dive wreck and the coral reefs offer interesting encounters. An easy and relaxing dive and the island itself is beautiful.

The Biorock - Bali BALI

The tourist destination in Indonesia has some amazing dive sites, especially in the north and around the island of Nusa Penida , an hour by speedboat from Sanur.

4. Manta Point (Nusa Penida Bali)
The island of Nusa Penida, especially on the south side, is the place to see the majestic manta rays. Swimming with this quiet and elegant fish is an amazing experience. It is a simple and shallow dive.

5. Crystal Bay (Nusa Penida Bali)
Crystal Bay is a wonderful little cove famous for good visibility and presence, or from May to September of the majestic Mola Mola Oceanic Sunfish. This possibility brings thousands of divers every day. A difficult dive - consider your level of experience before making a dive plan there, and be sure

6 .. Blue Corner (Nusa Lembongan Bali)
Probably the fastest drift dive in the world. Ready for the Thrill? to identify good opportunities, sharks, Mola Mola and other great stuff. For experienced divers only!

7. Liberty Wreck (Tulamben Bali)
Probably the most famous wreck in Indonesia. Easy shore diving, a bit in the high season to complete, but it is worth a visit.

8. The Biorock (Pemuteran Bali)
A very interesting coral restoration project, just off the coast of Pemuteran village. Easy dive full of life in the sea.


Except for the Gili Islands, Lombok is still underdeveloped. Perhaps for this reason there are some interesting new destinations, especially in the southeast.

9. The magnet (Belongas Bay-Lombok)
Pinnacle in the open ocean. Very challenging dive due to the variation and strong currents, but in some months of the year you can spot the famous Hammerhead.


Very small islands, for their dragons, Komodo and Rinca offer world famous some of the best dive sites in the country. The area around Komodo is a World Heritage Site.

10. Crystal Rock (Gili Lawa Laut-Komodo)
The most famous dive site of Komodo. Amazing reef, full of life, fusiliers, tunas and mackerels. Absolutely a mustdive place.

11 Castle Rock (Gili Lawa Laut-Komodo)
Exciting drift dive, not far from Crystal Rock. Another submerged mountain covered with hard and soft corals.

12. Cannibal Rock (Horseshoe Bay Rinca)
One of the top ten dive sites in the world. Water is cold and full of nutrients, nourish an amazing amount of hard and soft corals, and an impressive amount of fish and other invertebrates.

Starfish ALOR

Alor is still a remote island where diving is growing in popularity. With muck diving and wonderful coral reefs, Alor is one of the closest major dive destinations in Indonesia.

13. Anemone City (Pura Island Alor)
As the name suggests, this website really covered with sea anemones and anemone fish of different species (think Nemo).


Ambon is probably the capital of muck diving world. not Expect wonderful walls and colorful reefs, but an amazing variety of creatures -. very strange animals inhabiting sandy or muddy bottoms

14. Rhino City (Laha-Ambon)
The highest concentration in the world of the strange colored fish, Rhinopias. A Holy Grail for many underwater photographers.

15. The Twilight Zone (Laha-Ambon)
This is where the so-called "rarest fish in the world", the psychedelic frogfish have (only nine times in total) spotted ,


to reach a group of ten small volcanic islands in the Banda Sea, quite remote and difficult, but in this reason, it is still not exhausted.

16 Gunung Api (Kepulauan Banda)
If you have a fear of snakes, this is not the place for you. Around this island populate thousands of black-banded sea snakes the reefs. They have been observed hunting in cooperation with big mackerels; a unique phenomenon observed in any other place in the world.


The eastern part of Kalimantan, Indonesia Borneo, offers several reefs ideal for diving.

17. Manta Run (Sangalaki Kalimantan)
Another wonderful Manta Ray dive. Hundreds of these majestic animals inhabit the waters around the islet Sangalaki. Good snorkeling also because mantas are very curious and very close, if not harassed.

18. Jellyfish Lake (Kakaban Kalimantan)
Shallow lake with thousands of non-jellyfish. A wonderful example of natural evolution, as these jellyfish without the presence of predators in the closed lagoon.

19 lost their defense system. Big Fish Country (Maratua Kalimantan)
at the entrance of the channel connecting the lagoon of Maratua with the outer sea. Currents can be very strong, but the opportunity to observe large sharks and big predators is quite high.


by rich coral walls to exciting muck dives, there are many possibilities for every taste.

20 Likuan 1-2-3 (Bunaken North Sulawesi)
An amazing vertical wall, starting from just a few meters and down directly into the deep blue. An incredible variety of fish and many sea turtles complete the scene. This wall is so long that it was divided into three different dive sites.

21 Hairball (Lembeh North Sulawesi)
A desert of black sand, it offers a fascinating insight into the hairy frogfish, many strange scorpionfish, mimic octopus and many more incredible animals.

22 Apollo (Togian Iceland, Central Sulawesi)
Located in the volcanic island of Una-Una, Apollo is a coral slope with many currents and amazing view. Large groups of barracuda and trevally are almost always present.

23. The Drowned village (Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi)
A volcanic eruption in 1963 drowned a small fishing village. Many buildings are still intact and covered with hard and soft corals. A wonderful experience, but very difficult to achieve, since no dive operators in the area are available.


The dreamland of every diver. Still largely unexplored offers the Indonesian Papua the best diving destinations in the world, also known in the region especially Raja Ampat (Four Kings). To date, very few places and liveaboards are in the area, but the offer of accommodation is likely to increase in the coming years.

24. Sardine Reef (Sorido Bay Raja Ampat)
In not many other dive sites, the incredible number of fish darken the sunlight -. An explosion of marine life

25 Misool (Misool Island Raja Ampat)
Misool is famous for soft coral gardens and beautiful mangrove areas where you are getting the saltwater crocodile see. care can be very dangerous to do so.

26 Manta Sandy (Misool Raja Ampat)
Another extraordinary dive site, known as collector of thousands of Mantas.

27 The Passage (Waigeo Island Raja Ampat)
Soft corals and beautiful sea fans meet at the surface of a mangrove forest. A unique passage between two worlds.

28 Happy Ending (Batanta-Raja Ampat)
Probably one of the best muck diving Raja Ampat. Many incredible sightings, including Bobbitt Worm.

29. Eddy Cave (Wagmab Area Raja Ampat)
An extraordinary dive in a cave, turn up in a large hall where stalactites can be seen.

30 whale sharks Bay (Cendrawasih Bay Raja Ampat)
are supplied in this secluded cove, great whale sharks by local fishermen, to believe they will bring good luck. You can in the middle of dozens of these gentle giants spectacular diving or snorkeling.

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