Indonesia Feuerberge

Indonesia Feuerberge - Mount Tambora

saw First Light as the summit of Gunung Tambora - Photo by Daniel Quinn

spread across the country around 127 active volcanoes, it can be difficult to know where to begin, if you have a previously not climbed. Many large Indonesian volcanoes are actually not far from provincial airports and train stations in Java and southern Sumatra and can therefore be explored in a single weekend. The distant mountains, especially those in the Moluccas, Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara are best enjoyed as a rule, as the highlights of a week-long tour of a remote region. Specifically ask the following five walks several volcanically active regions in Indonesia. In all cases it is important, in the same way back, who are you, if not specified went up other options.

Although the behavior of these gunung-gunung api (Fire Mountains) can be predicted, a reasonable level, it is important to Indonesia's Volcanological Survey Web site (http: //www.vsi.esdm /) for status updates to check and take to heart what people take in the village closest to the volcanoes tell spot. If East Java Gunung Kelud erupted in February this year, people knew this was imminent as local animals the forest began to flee 48 hours notice on site. If you advice to follow, then in general it is dangerous to cross in Jakarta a road than to climb a volcano.

Gunung Kaba, Sumatra (1,952m)

known to many locals as "Bukit Kaba (Kaba Hill) though it is nearly 2,000 meters high, this volcano is attraction one of Sumatra most accessible. What is at the pinnacle in most parts of the archipelago, the best time to enjoy the view and take pictures of the crater rim is first light. from the entrance gates you can either spend two hours trying to go on foot to the brim or to cheat by take a ojek (motorcycle taxi)! the volcano is actually several craters, both active and inactive. a circuit of the largest crater takes about two and a half hours and is technically . not difficult one of the eastern crater is probably something out of Star Wars - to ask a deep pit belching smoke with a blue-green lake at the bottom of plant lovers should flourish on the local Rafflesia in the area, because they. wild can be found growing very close to the main road in this region

Getting .: Either in Bengkulu fly and a place "travel" in a company (shared cars) towards Lubuklinggau or make your way up to Lubuklinggau the night train from Palembang front of a bus board (or "trips") continue towards Curup. Ask for 'Simpang Bukit Kaba "(the intersection) or Villa Hijau, which is one of the closest hotels on the main road

Papandayan Mountain

Papandayan Mountain -. Photo by Daniel Quinn

Gunung Papandayan, Java (2,675m)

Despite the bumpy road to the crater leads, makes Papandayan one of the best days in the entire Java. If you could live in Bandung to make it as a day trip. There is a car park, a job as a leader and more warungs (small shops) next to the main active crater and the parking is somewhat bizarrely known as Camp David on site! the place can at are the weekends very busy. the extent to explore the range is up to you. you could the family take you there for a walk an hour around the main crater many active fumaroles and hot bubbling mud, or make a whole day or weekend of it by to Pondok Salada on to and the many mysterious Edelweiss covered meadows higher. For the most adventurous hikers, it is possible the wide paved trail to the saddle between the main area and the edge of Gunung Puntang, past the remains of Ghober cottage (no longer on my last visit) to follow the right of way over the range. and on the other side toward the vast and remote tea plantations near Cileuleuy

Check: of Jakarta, in the direction of Bandung and continue until the end of the toll road, direction Garut. The best place to stay is, Cipanas ( "hot water", not to be confused with the city of the same name in the Puncak area) just outside Garut itself and about 45 minutes from the crater car park above Cisurupan.

Gunung Tambora, West Nusa Tenggara (2,722m)

This world-class volcano is a challenging proposition, both in terms of the migration itself and always at the starting point on Sumbawa island. The crater is Indonesia's largest at about 7 km in diameter and several hundred feet deep, and was established in April 1815, 0 cubic kilometers of material were ejected formed in the atmosphere. This disrupted global temperatures and causes the significant crop failure of "year without a summer" of 1816 in the northern hemisphere. The Tambora eruption was far more devastating, both locally and globally as the more famous Krakatau (Krakatoa) eruption which the same century came later in 1883

Fortunately Tambora currently not a serious threat, and the interest in the advance grows on the bicentennial hike to the rim in the next year. You need at least one night of camping on the mountain, although most two nights spend would be more convenient. All walkers are required to register in the vicinity of the base in the village of Pancasila, where local guides and porters can be found. It's a long eight or nine hours to the crater rim, which could best be divided into two phases. Camping on the rim is a spectacular experience but not simply because of the black volcanic sand, which is difficult to keep secured herring. The view from above is over under Indonesia's best, with the giant "volcanic canyon" of you on one side and a sunset over Lombok Rinjani on the other

Getting .: Fly to Bima Denpasar and then spend the best part of a day to get on the Pancasila Tambora peninsula. Alternatively, larger groups to fly in Sumbawa Besar and charter a boat from the port of Badas to Calabai

The view from Gunung Lewotolo

The view from Gunung Lewotolo -. Photo by Daniel Quinn

Gunung Lewotolo, East Nusa Tenggara (1,449m)

, also known as 'Ile Api' by the local population, this constantly steam volcano is located on its own peninsula on the island of Lembata. It is best described as a strenuous day hike from Desa Lama done about Desa Jontana where you try to find a guide as Desa Lama, is often abandoned. If you visit in October, you can use the special BC Bean Festival in Desa Lama witnesses and the surrounding villages, which honors the local bean, which has been a source of protein in the local cuisine for many centuries important.

the climb is a steep climb of about four hours a vague and unsignposted track and is only carried out a few times a year. Suddenly, as the rise seems to be too steep to get comfortable, you find yourself on the other side in the shallow crater peering, which is easily one of the photogenic locations in eastern Indonesia. From the northern tip, on a particularly clear day, you should be able, on the island of Ile Boleng Adonara and the remote control to see that from the ocean Smoking Batu Tara volcano island. The higher, southern tip is so gassy, ​​smoky that it is very unwise to climb to the very top to try would be

Getting .: There is a daily direct flight to Lewoleba of Kupang, West Timor. Or take a boat to Lewoleba from Larantuka on the eastern tip of Flores. The foot of the volcano is about an hour from the city Lewoleba, where there are several simple hotels.

Gunung mount gamkonora, North Maluku (1,571m)

mount gamkonora is the highest peak on the island of Halmahera, and something like a hidden gem to be significantly less famous - and less dangerous - than his fiery neighbor Gunung Gamalama on the island of Ternate. Very few tourists make it here. It can be climbed as long day hike if you are in the morning to climb very early start in a position that is very important also for enjoying the views. Ask near Desa Baru for a guide or two

The trail starts near the sea -. So you need to drink some extra bottles of water - and leads upward through coconut, nutmeg and clove plantations. A small collection of coins in a field of long grass pipe marks the point where the mountain as in the eyes of the villagers is holy, so that your leadership may want to stop short and say a prayer here. Not long after, you will find below to be the vegetation line, hiking over small rocks and admire the breathtaking view of the U-shaped crater

Getting .: fly to Ternate and take a Jailolo bound boat from Dufa-Dufa Ferry. Cars can be rented next door from the store to Jailolo Hotel Camar for the two hour drive to the starting point, which is on the main road opposite the volcanology post.

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