Monetary policy

Monetary policy - Money Politics
Money Politics

monetary policy

vote buying is risky to be the non-selected especially for candidates and their debt can not repay. But are the biggest losers Indonesian voters - when bought allow her voice. Everyone who likes to have a crooked candidates voices complain no reasons for the corrupt politicians. A recent survey showed that 40% of voters think that it is acceptable for parties to engage vote buying.

In the period after April 9 elections, there were numerous reports of law have been candidates who tried to make their way to buy into force. Some scammers offer a winning number of votes for the high prices.

A recent case arise involves Agustina Amprawati, better than Tina known unsuccessfully as a candidate for the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) for the East Java Provincial House of Representatives standing. She had hoped to represent the provincial constituency II and covers Pasuruan and Probolinggo.

After their poor performance at the ballot box, she complained that she had given to officials of the 13 district election total Rp.116 million, commissions, in return for which they should have ensured their victory. They also claimed to have been a Honda Mega Pro motorcycle on an official.

She said each district should with 5,000 votes to offer to give her a total of 65,000 votes. To keep the right Tina has a letter of agreement, allegedly signed by 11 of the 13 officers and recognizes payment of Rp.77.5 million in return to secure for their choice. "I'm not afraid of prison," she said, "as long as I am as locked in the same cell."

The general election supervisory body (Bawaslu) responded to the scandal by telling a recommendation at polling stations in 13 districts - at a price of Rp.2 billion. The general election commission (KPU) decided not to recount was necessary because the alleged bribes, the result was not affected.

KPU Commissioner Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah acknowledged that not all election officials had played by the rules. He said the 13 accused officials will now face a criminal investigation and not be involved in the supervision July 9 presidential election.

Some candidates who can not repay their debts psychiatric treatment end up getting. Others arrested. On April 15, police in Riau province announced that they had a scam Golkar party candidate, Paruntungan Tambunan, detained - because he had failed Rp.115 million to repay, which he had borrowed in 09

In the north Sumatra capital of Medan, a demonstration last week outside the local Gerindra office of people was held, who claimed they promised fees were paid to obtain by votes for party candidates Ajie H. Karim. Ajie was elected almost certainly enter parliament, but the demonstrators, he said should be dismissed from the party, his image for the start.

Yakob Zukfahri, one of the demonstrators, the campaigners said Rp.30,000 were promised for every vote they could acquire for Ajie. Yakob he said for Rp.19 million his boat had sold to cover its costs and now had nothing to show for it. A Gerindra official urged the group to be patient. Ajie any wrongdoing has denied insisted that if there was a "relief funds", it was only for the operating costs.

In Lampung Province, the leader of a local KPU office resigned after his driver opening a proxy to bank account to deposit Rp.75 million alleged bribes of legislative candidates.

, the commissioner of the KPU for East Kutai regency in East Kalimantan province on April 24 following allegations was arrested that he accepted bribes totaling Rp.55 million of five legislative candidates to change voting results. Six other local election officials are also facing dismissal for allegedly accepting Rp.100 million.

Jakarta is reportedly less than sensitive to monetary policy on election days, because it comes under greater control of the media. A friend of mine who was in charge of a polling station in South Jakarta, the day generally said was smooth, although many voters knew nothing about the candidates, so many men simply select the most attractive women on the ballot. He said the only drama at the end of the day occurred when a Gerindra candidate he was angry to learn, had not won.

Under the 2012 General Elections Act, each involved in vote buying or voter fraud, can face a maximum prison sentence of four years and a fine of up to Rp.48 million.

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