Kerinci call

Kerinci call -

Mount Kerinci

Sumatra; while some may not know where it is, conjure thoughts of other dark, unexplored jungle up on both sides of the equator sitting. The island of Sumatra is more than just an island; It's a monster to be the sixth largest island in the world and the largest island in Indonesia. Compared to the neighboring Java, where the population more than 130 million, Sumatra population is sparse with just under 50 million, so there is room to breathe. Sumatra is sprinkled with volcanoes, about thirty-five to be exact, and all in the western half of the island on the Barison Mountains. One of these volcanoes is a super volcano Toba, aptly named with the largest crater lake in the world Lake Toba. It is in these mountains, which are grown the largest amount of Indonesian coffee and tea. The mountain is also home to the highest volcano in Indonesia, Kerinchi, with an altitude of 3,805 meters -. Something for the bucket list

Crater Kerinchi sits south of the Equator, in the Kerinci Seblat National Park, especially in the province of Jambi. The park is an important home to hundreds of species of flora and fauna. Some of the most notable species are the endangered Sumatran tigers and Sumatran Rhinoceros, which are endemic and not likely to be the next century, if things do not change drastically. This is the most important location in Sumatra for the Sumatran tiger, and believed to have the largest population on the island; Leuser National Park in the north has a population thrive.

Kerinci is also home to other beautiful animals like the tapir, sun bears and various species of primates. One of the loudest primates are the Gibbons ( siamang ) who live in the treetops and can jump up to distances of 50 meters between trees. They are the songbirds of the primate family able through the dense treetops almost two miles away to be heard. The Siamang is also at risk, they are suffering from a shrinking forest for illegal logging for palm oil plantations and hunting for the pet trade. That being said, they are still easy to find in the park, listening for their calls in the morning and evening.

Bird Kerinci is a famous spot for ornithologists who come to see many of the endemic species, thought some previously extinct only until recently, such as the Sumatran Cochoa, Schneiders Pitta, Salvadores pheasant, and more than 300 to be other types. Of course, here you can see many different types of Hornbill, so large that they float above the canopy as a small plane to hear. When a flower buff, you will be overjoyed to know that here you can find numerous species of orchids and the highest flower of the world, the Rafflesia. To see this, you need a leader to win, or better yet, befriend a local guide. The park has so much to offer in way of flora and fauna, is to write too much about it just here. But I have the myth mention Orang Pendek (short person), a small two-legged creature that runs supposedly the forest around and has been really always discovered only by local farmers and other locals who enter the forest , would certainly make a trip of a lifetime to get a photograph of something.

Hiking to the summit of Mount Kerinci you will put on the highest point in Sumatra and on the highest volcano in Indonesia. Kerinci is still active, followed with some rumblings last year of black smoke. From the top you are the true height of this massive mountain feel with beautiful views of the surrounding topography and the Indian Ocean. Neighboring Lake Tujuh has a beautiful view, best seen right as to paint the sun with colors flying in the sky.

Bird Kerinchi actually straddles Jambi and West Sumatra, but the track starts in Jambi. Some say it is possible to hike to the top in one day, but it would in fact have to start before sunrise and back through the forest after dark. Hiking in the forest after dark is a fun and a great way to owls and frogmouths to recognize, but not advisable to migrate to 12+ hours. Take to hike and camp for a few days is the only way to really feel the beauty and to experience what goes Kerinci. Select Most hikers to leave early and cross the best morning views through shelter two or three shelter, the latter has only directly from your tent above the treeline and walk; it is cold at night as a sleeping mat and appropriate clothing is required. There is a water source on both slip two and three. After the first night, waking most before dawn and walk the remaining hours to the peak for sunrise and then make back on the arduous journey. But if it is the time on your side, take three or more days, as this is the only way to hiking, to spend more time in the lower forest, to discover the wildlife and to see some of the rarest birds in Indonesia.

, the starting point is a small village called, Kersik Tua in Kayu Aro Jambi Province. It is an eight-hour mini-bus from the city of Padang in West Sumatra. Padang can be easily reached via the air, or alternatively, if you take long bus rides to enjoy Indonesian a 20+ hour bus ride from Sumatra capital Medan. If arrange in Padang and your minibus to Kersik Tua, tell the driver to drop at Pak Subandi homestay, will know that the driver of the place.

Pak Subandi is one of many host families in Kersik Tua, but to make his home cooked meals and the knowledge of the mountain into place the best choice. Pak Subandi is also a very knowledgeable guide and birder, and so are his sons. As of January 2013, a leader is not mandatory, but there are stories of people lost, forever on the mountain. So if you are not experienced with the Indonesian forest, hire a guide

Kerinchi is the main attraction in this region, but there are many other places in the area to explore. more mountains, waterfalls, lakes and some of the best remaining forest in Indonesia. So if you are looking for adventure and enjoy hiking, camping and wildlife, Kerinci calls


Padang .:
-By air: Minangkabau international Airport
-Sleep: Hotel Tiga Tiga, Jalan veteran, +62 (0) 75122173

Kersik Tua:
-By mini-bus or taxi. ask the hotel for arrangements
-Sleep: Pak Subandi homestay HP: +62 (0) 81274114273, +62 (0) 748 357 009,

-Sleep: tent
-Permit: 20k rupiah ($ 2)
-Food: pack plenty of food and water
-First aid

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