Marta Christina Tijahahu - a Moluccas Heroine

Marta Christina Tijahahu - a Moluccas Heroine - Martha Christina Tiahahu-Welcome To Ambon

Martha Christina Tiahahu-Welcome To Ambon

This Ambon in the early 80s of last century's. To build houses was the country that we wanted to on Karangpanjang, just below the provincial parliament building. And there, guarded on the parliamentarians, is a large statue. An imposing woman, proud with your back straight as spear them, her hair fanning keeps behind her as she looks in Ambon Bay and the Banda Sea about.

"WHO'S THE STATUE?" I asked as inspect the land. "Martha," was the short answer. "What has she done to deserve a statue?" "You fought a lot ... along with Pattimura!"

The answer came with a big grin. The night before we had had a few beers together and in the process, well know. He had told me about his family in Holland, had just a few months ago to come on a visit. After the RSM-in-exile had promised again not to hijack and neither Indonesian consulates or other buildings to occupy restrictions on visits by Dutch-Ambonese to the Moluccas were lifted trains. And that was also the reason that the Maluku project had started in the context of the Dutch International Cooperation.

Pattimura I knew. Pattimura, a Sergeant Major in the British Army, had been angered by the decision of the Netherlands is (again in 1816 after the British interregnum) to unload him and his comrades. He refused to accept the restoration of Dutch colonial power. He was afraid that, as had in 1810, indigenous Christian teachers would no longer be paid has been done, and that the intended conversion to paper currency would only starve coins churches of alms were considered valid.

But Marta Christina Tijahahu was new to me. She and her father, I learned Pattimura had joined and had on 16 May 1817 attended the conquest of the Duurstede fortification on Saparua.

Fortress Duurstede

They were all killed Dutchmen inside the fortress; only the five year-old son of the inhabitants, though badly injured, survived. After having looked taken from Salomon Pattiwaal, a servant of the Van den Berg family, the boy was returned to the authorities and to its (distant) family in Holland. In 1875, a royal decree granted the boy the right to change the name to "Van den Berg van Saparoea" in memory of the 1817 event.

Martha was born on January 4, 1800, and died on January 2, 1818. She was raised by her father, Captain Paul Tiahahu the Soa Uluputi communities when her mother died when she was a child. She has described as strong-willed and stubborn, anywhere, even when planning an attack after her father. With her father, she joined the guerrilla war against the returning Dutch colonial government, secure Pattimura.

Martha Christina Tiahahu-Pahlawan Wanita Indonesia In light of what happened in the first half of the 20th century, as Ambon and the Ambonese the favorites were the Dutch administration and Maluku the 12th province of the Netherlands was called, this revolt is more unusual. I can explain it only in the following manner. The Dutch were probably less than keen on the region, as its spices Cloves, nutmeg and mace-were no longer the main reason for being in the archipelago. The necessary austerity measures, or it was the infamous Dutch stinginess had once been sent to payments to indigenous Christian teachers; and printing paper money was easier and cheaper than the circulation of coins. The decision-makers in Batavia would most likely not have to pay on the need for coins known to charity. But for the inhabitants of the region, this is an issue of utmost importance. I remember that when my project needs to collect soil samples laborers, it was difficult to attract someone to bring a shovel in the offered rate of five thousand rupees (in those days a princely sum). Only if we have the same five thousand offered, but divided into four andhalf for the church and 500 for the workers themselves, we came more staff than we can handle.

There is would appear therefore that the uprising had a religious coloring, and that a major reason was the fear that the Church would suffer. But on the other hand, Pattimura, Martha and her band of revolutionaries can not a big general uprising are contemplated. Their numbers were not so great, and they were also of Saparua. The larger and more important Ambon was represented only by a token few fighters, and the island Haruku took even less when the population was largely Muslim.

The lack of general support can also be derived from that of Pattimura Pati Akoon who was betrayed by Raja Booi on Ambon. He was captured by the Dutch on 11 November 1817 along with Martha, her father and taken many of their comrades. Pattimura was sentenced to death and a month later was hanged in Ambon. Martha's father was executed at Nusalaut, but because of their age, Martha herself was freed and sent home. a pat on the head and the reminder of war playing may not return with grownups.

This disparaging treatment must have offended the revolutionary soldiers. She had struggled with a musket and ran as ammunition, had thrown a spear and picked up rocks at the enemy. have to be expected, they fight on and was achieved within a short time. Now there was no pat on the head and a warning. She was sentenced work on the coffee plantations of Java to the slave. Interestingly, Raffles' biographer for a long time have claimed that he, the famous founder of Singapore, slavery in the East Indies abolished, but in fact it was the slave trade, that he prohibited. Sentence someone to slave labor was thus still within the law.

The girl, had lived since early childhood, in soldiers Community and probably dreamed great achievements and the liberation of the islands of the foreign oppressor was now chained in the brig of the Admiral Evertsen en route to Batavia. taken with their freedom and their dreams shattered them ill. Denying medicines and food, she died on January 2, 1818 the same day a funeral was added at sea.

In memory of the day, January 2, has been declared Marta Christina Tijahahu Day .

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