Geek's Guide to Bandung - Part 1

Geek's Guide to Bandung - Part 1 - Observatorium Bosscha Bandung

celestial wonders of the southern sky

"Bandung" often recalls images of the star peppered café and shopping scene. Granted, doing Bandung have a glamorous charm that is begging Jakartans for more, even if it is traffic hell two-and-a-half hours away on the toll road.

On this visit to Bandung, although agents move, I thought of a real atmosphere to change. Even star-studded and glamorous, but named minus fancy mixed drinks by celebrities outfits drew from fashion magazines or class DJs. Rather, it comes to urban noise to escape through the cosmic greatness of heaven be blown away.

an hour's drive north to the rolling hills of Lembang, I want my inner geek on Observatory Bosscha, Indonesia only professionally maintain observatory and one of the few in the southern hemisphere of the world. The visit filled me with wonder and awe when I glimpsed in the history of the universe from an Indonesian perspective.

Observatorium Bosscha Bandung

Old Science, youthful excitement

Walking down the lush, dew-covered gardens, I joined a study Dutch style Evan Irawan Akbar, an astrophysics researcher for Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Yatny Yulianty to meet the observatory of the curator. expected graying professors has, it was surprising to find them in their late twenties or early thirties.

Of course, my first question was, why away celestial beings light years studying if the earth itself more problems than mankind has ever been.

"Why not?" Smiled Yatny. "Everyone has been awestruck by the beauty of the evening sky. That alone is big enough" wow factor "to attract people to astronomy."

In ancient astronomy was important for navigation, time measurement, and the determination of the seasons for planting, harvesting and hunting explains Evan. Astronomy is the oldest science of mankind is known. Most cultures have their own versions of traditional astronomy. For old Javanese people Waluku constellation (Orion) is an important marker of the seasons, as written in the Pranata Mangsa, a pre-Islamic Javanese agricultural solar calendar Bible.

"The Orion rises 4 minutes earlier each day. In the old Java, at the crowing of the cock before dawn, take farmers a handful of rice grains, stretch out an arm and lift the open palm east toward Waluku. if the palm must be raised to a high enough angle so that the grains begin to fall, which is when planting season starts, "Evan said.

Now that modern technology has these functions usually replaced, astronomy has become more, a scientific search innate philosophical questions about the universe the human mind and heart.

to answer Although Astronomy is no longer a science with many practical applications it is often other disciplines calls for new inventions to explore and develop, eventually used for productive tools of the Average Joe on a daily basis. For example, was the digital camera in the 1960s for the contributions to the world of astronomy NASA unmanned missions to Mercury and Venus.

Indonesia invented

Modern astronomy in Indonesia began between 1595-1597 than Dutch explorer Frederick de Houtman sailed in search of the Spice Islands. When the ship was lost at sea, de Houtman looked up and noticed that the stars look like from the tropical sky differently. He drew a map of the four constellations, used it for orientation, and ended in Batavia and Aceh.

Back in the Netherlands, de Houtman Lands were very pleased with the four constellation map and sent him to make a full sky map on another trip to Nusantara. Then found the impera lists easily Nusantara. It was the breakthrough the Dutch in the spice trade and the precursor of the founding of the Dutch East Indies colony. "It was an economic and political conquest elegantly packaged in astronomy," Evan said.

came in the 18th century German pastor Johann Mohr to Batavia and established a small observatory to observe his hobby to satisfy eclipses and the movements of Venus. After Mohr's death, it was a two-century silent period in the Indonesian astronomy to Bosscha.

Karel A. R. Bosscha was a Dutch tycoon in the tea business' Indies. Although not a scientist himself, were Bosscha father and grandfather physicist. As a student in Delft, Holland, Bosscha founded an amateur astronomy club on campus. He then dropped out and joined his father-in-law Kerkhoven tea plantation in West Java, which made some of the richest men in the Indies.

removed before passing Bosscha father instructed him to use his wealth to contribute to the promotion of science and technology in the Indies. In 1923 Bosscha honored his wish of Father Observatory Bosscha for Technische Hogeschool van Bandung to establish ITB predecessor.

Bosscha hired Dutch-Madiun astronomer Joan G.E.G. Voûte at first director of the observatory will be (1923-1940). Voûte research with observatory Bosscha including double stars, parallax and the photometry of variable stars and clusters. Thanks Voûte negotiations with the Dutch government, Observatory Bosscha operated independently Association owned the Dutch East India Astronomy, whose board included some powerful India-based Dutch businessmen and government officials.

Astronomy for fun

As a child in elementary school, I loved astronomy classes, because they seem to come with a sense of mystery and magic. But here in Indonesia, many teachers are afraid of too much astronomy research with their classes for fear of "getting it wrong."

"I can not tell you how many times we have donated telescopes to schools and taught classes as they are used. When I visit back next year, I would ask," Did you have fun stargazing? " , Tell would: "We stuffed the telescopes in the closet because they do not work '" Evan said. "When I check the telescopes work quite well, but be perceived otherwise, as images appear upside down. But teachers do not get it and are afraid to make a fool out of himself in front of the class."

Nevertheless, there it still take thousands of astronomy enthusiasts throughout Indonesia in amateur clubs in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bondowoso and many others. And despite never advertising Observatory Bosscha keeps getting a steady stream of visitors who come "for fun". Some, like me, make the mistake comes in the rainy season, when nocturnal observations are closed. However, many happy to chat only past and a tour for now and go in the dry season (April to October) by the majestic Zeiss and Schmidt telescopes at night to see. In 2012, public nights were booked throughout the season.

Evan and Yatny admit that astronomers in Indonesia is to be no easy task. In addition to research on a 1.9 square kilometers of land covering, Bosscha astronomers are also participating in the public service to be expected as tours for visitors and education in schools across the country through. It should, at least one be really more for each time zone.

"We are still waiting for the next" Bosscha 'to make it happen, "quipped Yatny.

Observatory Bosscha
Jalan Teropong Bintang
Tel (022) 27801

day tours (Rp7,500 per person) all year long: Saturday 9.00-1: 00 PM or Tuesday to Friday only for groups of 25 or more.

Public Evening observations (Rp10,000 per person) will resume April by October 2013. except during Ramadhan. Schedule TBA.

All visits must be booked in advance, and appointments met on time.

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