Ternate Tales of Natural Selection

Ternate Tales of Natural Selection - DSC_2883

The spice islands are in an aromatic History of cloves, nutmeg and nutmeg, kings and sultans, wrapped spice wars and the rise and fall of the invading armies.

When I was traveling through the Spice Iceland chain, I saw massive groves of cloves and nutmegs the perfect conical volcanic islands cling over the sea Maluku punctured. In the 8th century Chinese merchant ships sailed through the Moluccas (Maluku), and the Arabs followed later. The spice wars involved, the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British, who fought on the lucrative trade in exotic spices.

We are on the 1,000 rupiah note this spice trade reminds that Tidore island proudly displays next to Ternate, one of the famed Spice Islands. It is here that I attended my first Portuguese fort

Fort Tolluko in Ternate | Photo by David Metcalf

Fort Tolluko in Ternate. | Photo by David Metcalf

I voted against the old stone wall of Fort Tolukko, Ternate, soaking in the story was based. This beautifully preserved 16 th is protected century Portuguese fort of an impressive 10-meter high massive stone wall. Fort Tolukko is in the village Duga Duga overlooking the Molucca Sea. It was built by the Portuguese to protect the clove industry of the island, which at that time was the only place in the world where carnations grew. Later smuggled seedlings and found their way to Africa and other places where clove plantations were built.

I was impressed by the two dominant bulwarks which stand at the front of the fortress, the Portuguese is typical of the fortress architecture. I found that my visit to this fortress was more of a reflective type. Listening to some beguiling stories from my guide told me allowed to fall into the history of these islands and the tone for what comes next.

My next stop was a visit to Alfred Russel Wallace house where the famous "Letter from Ternate" Alfred Wallace was written in 1858 was to collect naturalist and zigzagged across the Indonesian archipelago about 3,000 bird skins his way, including the famous bird of paradise, 20,000 beetles and butterflies and land-shells.

His travels took him from Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra and Java all the way to New Guinea. He made between 60 and 70 separate trips to the islands across the vast archipelago scattered, often two or three times the same island visit gather to do in different seasons more.

documenting the natural history of the region, he finally wrote his theory of evolution Charles Darwin, whom he admired as one of the leading scientists and geologists. The Darwinian theory of natural selection is more controversial because it is indicated by many scholars that it is actually letter Alfred Wallace of Ternate and its extensive research that cracked the code, so to speak, on the "species question."

Darwin had in 20 years of work on the question of how the animals came to be different. As Wallace letter from Ternate arrived (after England took three months to get), it seems, he had summarized the main elements of the theory of evolution in only 4,000 words. Darwin had studied amounts of material, and unless outstanding scientific friends had not made any public statements before recording to his theories. As Darwin approached his 50th birthday, he was still his magnum opus and was a semi-recluse in a household with 15 employees and a rich woman who had money from the Wedgwood family realm, posting live.

In comparison, Wallace was a lone hiker and not university educated. He was a naturalist and a very shy person, while Darwin was in a stronger position, as he had completed meticulous work many years. As dedicated Darwin his work at the Linnean Society, a Society of Natural History, it was largely Wallace content. He presented three documents: two letters from his own ideas about evolution in 1842 wrote to his friends and again in 1844 and another paper that married the contents of Wallace letter from Ternate with his own ideas. This was presented without Wallace permission or mention of his name.

Thereafter well received, Darwin rushed the manuscript the name On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection to print and gave . The book was a great success. Thirteen years and six editions later, this book has not confirm the work of Wallace. Darwin was the name of the book and his theory of evolution by natural selection, or "survival of the fittest" was the most profound scientific development of modernity.

Fortunately for Darwin, when Wallace Indonesia finally went to the left and came home, the modest Alfred Russel Wallace was largely concerned with his beloved insects or bird cataloging, which had been delivered in the thousands back home, and continued, on his own book to work.

It is in book Wallace the Malay Archipelago that the true genius of Wallace is revealed. Since its release in 1869, the book has never been out of print. Wallace was an extraordinary man who lived in Ternate 1858-1861, and as I stood at the back door of his modest home, I felt the commitment of the man of this work. He wore so much natural history and the discovery of the origin of man.

Interesting Facts

The Moluccas

Ternate Islands | Photo Courtesy of David Metcalfe

Ternate Islands | Photo by David Metcalf

The name Maluku is thought to have been derived from the Arab trader term for the region, Jazirat al-Muluk or "the island of the Kings'. What the Arab traders brought back to their home ports were exotic spices:.. cloves, nutmeg and nutmeg These were sold to Venetian merchants and was in Europe as "the nuts of Muscat" known due to the high value of these spices in Europe and the huge profits they generate, many followed adventurers in the footsteps of the Chinese and the Arabs; first the Portuguese and later the Dutch followed by the British

the birds of paradise

Maluku has two species of native birds of paradise red. -aufgeblähter Pittas and Wallace Standardwing bird of paradise.

Wallace book

the ecology of the Maluku Islands for centuries fascinated naturalists. Alfred Russel Wallace book The Malay Archipelago , was the first major study of the natural history of the region and remains an important resource for the study of Indonesian biodiversity.

Book Cover

Recommended reading

More Recommended reading

The Spice Islands travel : looking for Wallace by Tim Severin.

The Moluccas were one province since Indonesian independence until 1999, when it was divided into two provinces. A new province, North Maluku, covers the area between Morotai and Sula, remaining with the bow of the islands of Buru and Seram to Wetar within existing Maluku Province

Fast Facts :. Moluccas

Directions: Regular flights from Jakarta and the major Indonesian cities Service Ambon and Ternate

accommodations .: Seatrek Sailing Adventure offer 7- and 10-day cruises on traditional Phinisi schooners to the spice Islands of Ternate and Ambon. This is a convenient way, the famous islands and invited guest lecturers Gabo evening conversations on board to see. www.seatrekbali.com

What to bring:

An umbrella (for shade protection), sunscreen, insect repellent, hat, hiking shoes, swimmers and shirt for the many hours you spend swimming stop in the water snorkeling around the beautiful island of secluded beaches.

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