Cangkuang, West Java Small and Mystical Hindu temple

Cangkuang, West Java Small and Mystical Hindu temple - Cangkuang Temple-1

to be the discovery of one of the few Hindu Buddhist relics ever discovered in West Java.

A Tuesday morning, a gang of young people got on a raft to cross the lake and visit a small temple on a hill in Garut Regency, West Java. "We conducted our audit just completed, and we want to in this scenic spot for a picnic," said 19-year-old Anita, a student of Pakuan University in Bogor. "We heard about this forgotten temple and wanted to see it for ourselves, we prefer historical sites to shopping centers;. Most of our friends want to go to town, so we are here only the four of us," she said.

A temple, or Candi in Indonesia, refers to a sacred, old stone building for religious rituals like worship gods or for storing the ashes of burned kings used during Hindu and Buddhist eras. Sometimes the word Candi referred to old structures such as swimming pools or swimming pools, and the ruins of gates.

When we talk about the temple in Indonesia, we conjure up mostly on images from the magnificent Borobudur in Magelang or romantic Prambanan in Jogjakarta, because it seems the most famous Hindu and Buddhist temples are in Central or East Java , Most of them were built during the classical Hindu Buddhist eras of the 7th to 15th centuries. Today there are more than 70 temples, of small, rather insignificant ruins to those with large structures. They can be found in Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan; East Java most temples (over 20), while Central Java 12


Sitting in West Java a lesser known temple however, is known as Cangkuang. This candi which was named after the tropical pandan tree, was in the 8th century and is located 0 meters above sea level in a 16.5-hectare plot of land on the edge of a lake. The 8.5 meter high old building is surrounded by four mountains, Haruman, Kaledong, Mandalawangi and Guntur and to explore also near other interesting sites for guests. A museum and the Kampung Pulo traditional community

The museum houses a collection of Islamic holy books. To be more specific, it keeps relics of Friday prayer sermons, book Koran from a hiding goats and Islamic contemporary law ( Fikih ) books from old wood bark.

Islamic holy books inside the musuem

Islamic inside the musuem holy books

What the Kampung Pulo community in the village you will find a mosque and six houses, which are divided into two rows, with houses facing each other, because according to local tradition, the layout and the number of houses must be designed. Here are the locals - who are mostly farmers - have a unique tradition of giving their crop instead of selling off to her relatives, she. They are also found in the Baduy tribe in Banten province to raise cows, goats or other pets, a practice forbidden. You will only see chickens in the yards of Kampung Pulo roaming.

Kampung Pulo Community

Kampung Pulo Community

What particularly interesting to Cangkuang not only of Shiva, the 62-centimeter statue is - a prominent Hindu god -., but also an Islamic grave that only three meters south of the temple sits [1945009imInnerendesTempelsHauptraumsitzt[

by the locals, a community elder colonial below the grave stone.

"It was Embah Dalem Arief Muhammad, also known as Maulana Ifdil Hanafi, who was buried in the grave, believed an ancestor of Cangkuang to his village community. It was said that Embah Dalem Arief Muhammad came from Mataram kingdom in East Java. he came the Dutch VOC army in Batavia to attack. he then lived in Cangkuang, Islam and the spread of the religion here. he used violence in spreading the religion because he believed that Islam did not recognize coercion and violence, "Zaki, a person on the spot, said.

Experts estimate Judging from the stone decay and simplistic style temple, the Temple circa early 8th century is dated to the same time the Dieng temple and slightly older than the temple of the south-central Java like Prambanan.

While many beautiful historical sites found in Indonesia, the tourism department and local governments should provide better equipment and infrastructure, as well as easier access available to attract more tourists. In this case, the existence of Cangkuang - next to the grave of a Muslim preacher are a little Hindu temple in a community, including the traditional values ​​- is something that Indonesia must learn to appreciate

Quick Facts: Cangkuang temple

is the temple from 07.00 open daily - 05:00

ticket price: Rp.3,000 for (local) and Rp.5,000 (foreigners).

Raft Price :. Rp.5,000 per person and Rp.100,000 the entire raft rent

Province: West Java


The most convenient way is by car, but Garut is to be continued by train from Jakarta to Bandung by car or by public bus from Kampung Rambutan bus terminal in Jakarta directly Garut. To get there by car from Jakarta or Bandung, simply leave the Cipularang toll road and drive in Garut City. By public transportation from Bandung to Garut, contact Alun-Alun Leles from (Leles Square) and take a ojek or horse cart. Finally, to reach the temple, you will have to cross a lake with a raft to can carry up to 20 passengers

Accommodations .

Kampung Sampireun Resort and Spa at Jl. Raya Samarang Kamojang km.4 is to remain a nice option in Garut. It is 20 km south of Cangkuang Temple. Other hotels are the Papandayan and Mulih ka Desa

Where to eat .:

Rumah Makan Sari Cobek and Rumah Makan Asep Stroberi are Sundanese restaurants, two of the many ways , Available

Tour guides:


Berg Cikuray Mount Papandayan, Mount Guntur with Citiis waterfall, Situhapa Rosengarten, Cipanas Hot Springs, Cimanuk river rafting and Orok waterfall.

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