Galungan: Biggest day of the year

Galungan: Biggest day of the year - OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

from the highest god of the creation of the world celebrate and the victory of goodness or virtue ( Dharma ) over evil ( adharma ), is the Balinese religious festival of Galungan is the most important on Bali regular holiday. Like Christmas in the West, but no tacky commercialism, Galungan is a day of prayer and feasting when schools are closed and trading comes to a standstill.

Observed in the 11 th week of 210-day uku year of Balinese throughout Indonesia is Galungan the beginning of a holy period of 42 days. The festival has its origins in an ancient forbidden, before the Hindu harvest festival and it is to start plants during this period. In Bali-Hindu legend, reminiscent of Galungan defeat the legendary demon king Mayadanawa, represented by the god Indra.

In our house you know Galungan because of a sudden comes and obvious uptick of activity. The preparations begin at least seven days in advance when we collect materials for launch offers and the preparation of Penjor Pol. Our housemaid brings deals in the cemetery for the dead uncremated their desa (village) and we ask for spiritual strength in the confrontation of life trying cycles and suffer.

In the days immediately before the holiday, town and village markets flooded with colorful rice cakes ( Jajan ), green bananas ripen in domestic courts , temples are polished to obtain the ancestral spirits, and the whole island is lamak scrolls, decorated delicate palm leaf clippings and other festive decorations. Men prepared the temple, friezes, canopies and banners hang, build bamboo platforms, ritual celebrations cooking, righting Penjor poles, to carry out the guard and cover the commons of statues with holy checkered cloths.

accelerated the pace of the day closer to the whole household on Gunung Agung soon after the sun breaking work until the last light of the day at the top of Mount Batur in the north disappears. Three days before the Galungan, the preparations are non-stop altars with the building, offers design, can cut decorative patterns from Palm, preparing sweet rice snacks and erecting ceremonial utensils. In the villages on both sides of the ridge, where we live, I can hear the shrill squeal of pigs piercing the mid morning air when they are slaughtered to Lawar .

on Galungan day begins at dawn, the women of our house dress in their finest kebaya (traditional blouse) and gold jewelry. Later in the morning they wear elaborate offers to the village temple origin where the ancestral spirits and gods are honored to descend to earth.

The Balinese seem happiest when they are getting ready for a festival. The idea is to fulfill your religious obligations and have a good time while you're at it. The work actually begins a few weeks before Galungan, with a day of deals

Batara Guru, a Hindu God from the creation myth. This holy day of Pagerwesi ensures the protection of the family, the village and the whole world. Pagerwesi means "iron fence", symbolizing the enrichment them around greed and evil during the incessant struggle between the Two Faces of God to keep away.

Big festivals like Galungan, lasting for more than a week and hundreds of people in every village and household ( rumah Tangga ) are, performed to mobilize with amazing efficiency. No one is left out. In our village in an agricultural district Tabanan, farmers and wealthy businessmen from Denpasar take to the preparations. A sure way to the gods must be like to present them with prayers and offerings as major festivals such as Galungan be lightened by rows of lush fruits and flowers. determine rules for how much food, oil, palm leaf strips lamak and symbolic money offered.

This is a gay and festive time when all Bali's roads, large and small, are draped with Penjor. As a Maypole to the extreme, this large, curved bamboo poles decorated with unpolished rice and flowers. Placed in front of each door as a symbol of thanks Sanghyang Widhi for his gifts of life and prosperity, they dip toward the middle of the road. The sight of long lines of Penjor gracing Balinese villages alone a trip to Bali worth.

Another way to entertain the gods with dance, theater and gamelan music. Laughter brings joy to the gods, so that every household to contribute to the musicians. Both the higher gods and the gods of the underworld to be considered, one reason why Balinese festivals are so loud, colorful and confusing. Be patient because nothing happens on a fixed schedule. The answer to my questions when there is a procession or event ever " Sebentar lagi " (in short time).

Fashionable dress shows respect and is also a sign of social prestige. Women don rich handspun cain and adorn themselves with jewelry, scarves and struck gold in her hair. On hard times, a young woman her looks best. She's lipstick and makeup allowed to wear religious events, but not in everyday life, when it would be too flirtatious contemplated. Infant girl wearing flowers in her hair and bright sashes around their tiny waists. The men wear a keris , paperback head cloth and colorful sarung .

is a big temple festival for a wasteful form of metaphysical theater as a stage, a trinuclear Circus of the Arts, when the temple comes with a trailer on life that are pushing into the courtyard and parade between the shrines. Babes are carried in the arms of young children, priests recite mantras oldest seal of holy translate Lontar , children flying kites and people gather to joke around and play with colorful Chinese cards or fight their tails.

clove cigarettes and incense smoke choking the air, peanuts and rice cakes are sold, and it is spirited gossiping with neighbors and friends. be carried out for three or four days, almost without pause, ritual dances, festive music and dramas, as if the occasion were a gay costume party instead of a fervid act of worship. Finally, the day after Galungan, called Manis Galungan (Sweet Galungan) there are big family gatherings and visits to friends and neighbors. Bloated with sensory pleasure the many ritual obligations are finalized and the gods invited to return to their celestial spheres.

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