Raja Ampat in West Papua is known for paradise for divers, bird watchers and nature lovers. It is one of the last remaining sanctuaries for flora and fauna in the world. You would think that waste does not end up on the beaches of the islands in this area, but it works, as discovered these tourists.
These divers have a week rich websites enjoy in Raja Ampat and were based on Birie island. One night a tropical storm fell over the island, bringing with the tide in garbage, in the morning to leave the beach full of rubbish. This regularization hero decided they would not leave the island looking for in this way, and grabbed some bags. In a period of two hours they had cleared the beach of all litter, occur almost on a deadly sea snake while they were at it!
The divers said that the most important things on the beach were washed plastic bottles, plastic bottle caps, straws, plastic bags, polystyrene pieces and single-serve plastic cups. Some of the unusual items include plastic toy dinosaurs and toothbrushes.
It's terrible to see garbage in paradise, but it is good to know what kind of garbage in the ocean is out there and plastic and polystyrene are the main culprits. You can by reducing the amount of plastic a difference you make use, plastic bags from your household diet completely eliminate. Instead, use a reusable bag - they last for life! Practice the three Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - and let our oceans a chance. We can not rely on cleanup heroes alone, to do the work. It is a joint effort.
What is your Dua Tangan action? Send them to cleanupjktday@indonesiaexpat.biz~~V and we will share it to inspire others to make a change!
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