Lutfi Law Clerk: Finding Peace in Ramadhan

Lutfi Law Clerk: Finding Peace in Ramadhan - Lutfi the Law Clerk

Lutfi the Law Clerk

Sahur , the pre-dawn meal is taking Muslims during Ramadan to pray before the first call difficult. Most Indonesians wake up before 4:00, have to eat a quick bite and catching a few glasses of water before prayer and a few minutes of sleep before it time to wake up and head to the office.

but Lutfi, a clerk at the Constitutional Court, like to use the time between Sahour and his morning commute to the office to make his four year old son's hand for a walk around the block. Sure, it would be nice to grab 45 minutes sleep in the morning, but to stay for Lutfi, which ends sometimes late at the office or at home to get caught on the way in traffic, that time with his son is precious.

"My son asks me about fasting," said Lutfi, who was born in Medan and raised, but has Jakarta his home called since 05. "I tell him that food is not only a small part of Ramadhan . It is not all. he does not have the mental part get right now, but that will come. "

Lutfi explained that during Ramadan is a spiritual time where it reflect his life and his family, discipline build and spend more time in prayer and contemplation, there is also a certain sense of nostalgia that comes with the holy month. And life for Muslims in the heart of Jakarta, the village sometimes seems a million miles away.

"I really miss the atmosphere of the village Ramadhan" Lutfi said. "Here in Jakarta, we lose a little of this communal atmosphere and feeling. You see it on TV, but it's not the same. We work from morning to night, but Mudik (return to hometown) if I I can really feel it. Maybe it makes me nostalgic, it reminds me of when I was small and I to go to the village in the early hours with my friends telling everyone it was sahur. "

So while Lutfi the day one until he can return to Medan and spend the holiday with his friends and family, what he thinks in Jakarta of fasting? How does he feel when colleagues or friends who do not fast food or drink in front of him?

"Fasting is very personal," he says. "You can eat in front of me. You can eat and drink. I do not care. I'm fasting for me and God, not for the people around me."

For Lutfi, fasting abstention is not eating and drinking, but the perspective gained from the clarity that comes with not having your day dictated by food or beverages.

"The most important thing about fasting is about those others around me to think about that to fast every day, because to eat, do not have enough. It creates perspective. Fasting also helps your body of toxins to clean and your organs enjoy a bit of rest. and it's not just the food, it's about emotions. it is to find peace, patient and empathetic. "

So what Lutfi looks forward when it comes going to break quickly?

"It is not something that is very important to me. That's not what fasting is. It's about my family and the time that we share together. It's about these walks with my son. "

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